FW: Pitcher available for ISC Legends Tourney in Quad Cities
Anyone looking for some pitching help for the legends tourney at the ISC this year let me know and I might be able to help you out...send email to whip6(at)yahoo.com Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com fastb...@pmihrm.com NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/ NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball 2011 ISC World Tournament in Quad Cities, August 14-20: http://www.iscfastpitch.com/index.php?page=203 VIA http://www.webbox.com ___ Alsfastball mailing list Alsfastball@fastpitchwest.com http://fastpitchwest.com/mailman/listinfo/alsfastball_fastpitchwest.com
Pitcher Available
Pitcher Available SOFTBALL TEAMS: After giving it considerable thought, I have decided due to travel and financial constraints that I will no longer play for New Image Salon. It was a great four years, winning the NAFA National Championship three times and once the ASA Class A National. No one will ever forget the 97-3 year. I would like to thank manager Jeremie Holman; sponsor Peg Holman; team fans; and all my teammates. No one could have asked for a greater bunch of guys to be teammates with. Wishing them the best of luck in 2010 and beyond. I do feel I still have some wins left in this old arm so if anyone is in need of a pitcher, please contact me. My phone number is 608-846-6813 or 608-628-9015. My e-mail address is balnickel(at)yahoo.com. If you can not reach me, you may contact my dad, NAFA Vice-President at 608-225-1321. His e-mail is oldfab(at)hotmail.com The decision will ultimately be mine but will listen to any good advice. Hopefully so teams can get there schedule set, a decision as to who I will pitch for will be made by February 1st. Bryan Lathrop (Ed Note) Pitched for Kitchener-Waterloo Cubs, runner-up in 2009 ISC II Tournament of Champions) Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com fastb...@pmihrm.com NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/ NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball VIA http://www.webbox.com ___ Alsfastball mailing list Alsfastball@fastpitchwest.com http://fastpitchwest.com/mailman/listinfo/alsfastball_fastpitchwest.com
18 year old pitcher available for ASA and NAFA
Received: 7/27/2009 5:57:09 PM From: cangmatt5(at)aol.com Subject: 18 year old pitcher available for ASA and NAFA Ryne Stefankiewicz is an 18 year old pitcher from Omaha, Neb. that wants to pitch in the ASA and NAFA 18 and 23-under tournaments. He has been pitching for two years and has been playing in the Omaha men's fastpitch league. His email is rstefankiewicz(at)hastings.edu phone is 402-669-4434 Thanks, Matt Christesen Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com fastb...@pmihrm.com NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/ NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball VIA http://www.webbox.com ___ Alsfastball mailing list Alsfastball@fastpitchwest.com http://fastpitchwest.com/mailman/listinfo/alsfastball_fastpitchwest.com
ISC II pitcher available
Received: 7/18/09 12:07:48 PM From: cangmatt5(at)aol.com To: fastb...@pmihrm.com CC: Subject: ISC II pitcher available Hello, Florencio Barreto from Venezuela is available for the tournament if anyone can add a pitcher. He throws for Los Socios in the AAU and played for Omaha Fastpitch Club and Herda and Sons in the summer of 2007. He threw in NAFA A-Major, AA, and 23-under in Iowa and threw in the ISC 23-under tournament that summer as well Matt Christensen Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com fastb...@pmihrm.com NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/ NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball VIA http://www.webbox.com ___ Alsfastball mailing list Alsfastball@fastpitchwest.com http://fastpitchwest.com/mailman/listinfo/alsfastball_fastpitchwest.com
pitcher available
Received: 7/7/08 9:38:07 AM From: aaron owl CC: Subject: pitcher available any teams going to any world or provincials needing a pitcher? im hoping to pitch in either isc ii or isc, if anyone can help if theres still a chance to get on a roster that would be great From: aaron owl Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/ NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball VIA http://www.webbox.com ___ Alsfastball mailing list Alsfastball@fastpitchwest.com http://fastpitchwest.com/mailman/listinfo/alsfastball_fastpitchwest.com
Pitcher Available - ISC or ISC II
Received: 4/22/08 5:06:30 PM From: aaron SUDBURY, ON im a 27 yr old work horse for a pitcher looking for a team thats going to isc or isc II this year , and or nafa? im an established pitcher that has good speed and lots of junk. any teams looking for a pitcher please contact me Aaron Owl fastpitchgamer(at)hotmail.com> Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/ NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball VIA http://www.webbox.com ___ Alsfastball mailing list Alsfastball@fastpitchwest.com http://fastpitchwest.com/mailman/listinfo/alsfastball_fastpitchwest.com
Guatemalan Pitcher available
Received: 3/24/08 12:00:54 AM From: Bobby Ramos Subject: guatemalan pitcher hi, im Bobby Ramos from Guatemala,im 23 years old, im a softball fastpitcher, ive been playing in the national team here for 3 years, my pitching coach from New Zeland Kevin Henderson told me about this page because i want to get in touch with the US softball and with somebody who could help me find where to play. I might be traveling in 2009 for 2 o 3 years to get my postgraduate in dentistry and if somebody could help find out of a university that has mens softball because I dont know any that has, or a team that needs a pitcher. Ill be so thankfull to hear news from you, if you need more information of me ill be glad to write. i throw all kind of pitches, my speed is 74mph, but im young and want to get much better. thank ramos_bobby(AT)hotmail.com Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/ NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball VIA http://www.webbox.com ___ Alsfastball mailing list Alsfastball@fastpitchwest.com http://fastpitchwest.com/mailman/listinfo/alsfastball_fastpitchwest.com
Pitcher available - ISC or ISC II
If you hear of anyone in need of a pitcher for either the ISC or ISC II, feel free to give them my name and info. After pitching in my first Nationals last year I really want to build on my experience. thanks Randy randyframe44(at)hotmail.com Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/ NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball VIA http://www.webbox.com ___ Alsfastball mailing list Alsfastball@fastpitchwest.com http://fastpitchwest.com/mailman/listinfo/alsfastball_fastpitchwest.com
Pitcher available for ISC II ToC
Received: 7/15/07 10:11:53 AM From: Richard Vassos Any team in need of pitching help for the TOC could they please contact me at rvassos(at)cogeco.ca thanks Rich Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/ NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball VIA http://www.webbox.com ___ Alsfastball mailing list Alsfastball@fastpitchwest.com http://fastpitchwest.com/mailman/listinfo/alsfastball_fastpitchwest.com
ISC level pitcher available
Received: 5/17/07 4:46:33 PM From: Subject: ISC level pitcher Hi Al please post for a good friend of mine The services of a top ISC Level pitcher are nowavailable for the following weekends this season based in the US: June 8 10 July 20 -22 Any organisations interested please contact Jason Gerbes jason(at)hitchins.co.nz for more details on the pitcher. Al's Fastball News *Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com [EMAIL PROTECTED] NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/ NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball VIA http://www.webbox.com ___ Alsfastball mailing list Alsfastball@fastpitchwest.com http://fastpitchwest.com/mailman/listinfo/alsfastball_fastpitchwest.com