I had this same problem, particularly with the RPMs that come with 7.1.  The
solution is either to apply the advfs.patch from
http://www.amanda.org/patches.html, or alternatively, use CVS and get the
latest greatest.  Seems to fix many things, this one of them...


Sean Noonan.

 -----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Mark Holm
Sent:   Monday, September 10, 2001 8:15 AM
To:     'Joshua Baker-LePain'; Brian Whitehead
Subject:        RE: Data Timeouts

I am also having the same problem, but it is spread across all of my
machines. It does appear to be concentrated on the larger partition, but not
always. I am using dump universally on all machines, and have compiled
versions installed on all clients except for the two 7.1 machines where I
used the RPM distribution from the RedHat CD. It appeared identical except
that it puts all the programs in /usr/lib/amanda rather than

I am new to using Amanda so some of this could be my setup, but I don't
think so. Two of my machines are running RedHat 7.1 which I would assume
would have the latest version of dump on them and they are the ones that are
dropping out the worst. I am attaching the latest run report for the amdump
I did last night. When you go back and look at the /tmp/amanda directories,
you find that a sendback was not even started for any of the partitions that
failed on any of the clients. You can see where amandad on each machine
thought it was starting one though. Where else do I need to look to
determine why they did not start?

I keep seeing recommendations to use GNUTar rather than the native dump
programs. Can somebody give a quick pluses and minuses of going either way.
It seems to me that (if it works) using dump is more flexible from the
restore perspective and would be one less thing that I would have to put on
my Sun systems if I had to restore. The GNUTar seems more flexible in regard
to partitions and tape sizes, but harder to restore from (without indexes).

Attached below are the email report from last nights run. I can also send
out any of the debug reports that anybody needs to help me debug this, but
there are a lot of them, so would suggest that somebody tell me which ones
they would like to see before I do that. Any pointers that anybody can give
me would be appreciated!



-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Baker-LePain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 10:38 AM
To: Brian Whitehead
Subject: Re: Data Timeouts

On Sat, 8 Sep 2001 at 12:02am, Brian Whitehead wrote

> I am having the same problem.  Data timeouts on local partitions.  I do a

Neither of you mentioned whether you are using dump or tar.  ISTR that
certain versions of dump had issues with looping, and I've had sporadic
timeouts with dump as well.  You could try either:

Upgrading dump/restore to the latest version (they're maintained at
sourceforge, these das), or
Switch to using tar and see if that helps.

Good luck.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

From: Amanda user <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Inherent.com AMANDA MAIL REPORT FOR September 10, 2001
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 02:22:34 -0700
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2650.21)

These dumps were to tape WF002.
The next 10 tapes Amanda expects to used are: WF003, WF004, WF005, WF006,
WF007, WF008, WF009, WF010, WF001, WF002.

  localhost  /data1 lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  flood-back /boot lev 1 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  flood-back / lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  twister-ba /usr lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  ice-backne / lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  flood-back /var lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  darkwing.i /usr lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  ivanova-ba /usr lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  twister-ba /export/home lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  ns3-backne /usr lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  wind.inher /export/home lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  twister-ba /export/home0 lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  localhost  /usr lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  flood-back /usr lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  anomaly1-b /usr lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  flood-back /home lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  flood-back /data2 lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  s20.inhere /export/home lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  s20.inhere /export/home0 lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  ice-backne /export/home lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  anomaly1-b /home lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  ivanova-ba /home lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  ns3-backne / lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  anomaly1-b /var/spool lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  flood-back /data1 lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]
  wind.inher / lev 0 FAILED [dump to tape failed]

                          Total       Full      Daily
                        --------   --------   --------
Estimate Time (hrs:min)    0:27
Run Time (hrs:min)         1:10
Dump Time (hrs:min)        0:09       0:00       0:09
Output Size (meg)         208.3        0.0      208.3
Original Size (meg)       356.5        0.0      356.5
Avg Compressed Size (%)    21.7        --        21.7   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Dumped           21          0         21   (1:21)
Avg Dump Rate (k/s)       396.6        --       396.6

Tape Time (hrs:min)        0:02       0:00       0:02
Tape Size (meg)           209.0        0.0      209.0
Tape Used (%)               1.0        0.0        1.0   (level:#disks ...)
Filesystems Taped            21          0         21   (1:21)
Avg Tp Write Rate (k/s)  1998.4        --      1998.4

  planner: Adding new disk localhost:/usr.
  planner: Adding new disk localhost:/data1.
  planner: Adding new disk darkwing.inherent.com:/usr.
  planner: Adding new disk ns3-backnet.inherent.com:/.
  planner: Adding new disk ns3-backnet.inherent.com:/usr.
  planner: Adding new disk flood-backnet.inherent.com:/.
  planner: Adding new disk flood-backnet.inherent.com:/home.
  planner: Adding new disk flood-backnet.inherent.com:/usr.
  planner: Adding new disk flood-backnet.inherent.com:/var.
  planner: Adding new disk flood-backnet.inherent.com:/data1.
  planner: Adding new disk flood-backnet.inherent.com:/data2.
  planner: Adding new disk anomaly1-backnet.inherent.com:/home.
  planner: Adding new disk anomaly1-backnet.inherent.com:/usr.
  planner: Adding new disk anomaly1-backnet.inherent.com:/var/spool.
  planner: Adding new disk twister-backnet.inherent.com:/export/home.
  planner: Adding new disk twister-backnet.inherent.com:/export/home0.
  planner: Adding new disk twister-backnet.inherent.com:/usr.
  planner: Adding new disk wind.inherent.com:/export/home.
  planner: Adding new disk wind.inherent.com:/.
  planner: Adding new disk ice-backnet.inherent.com:/export/home.
  planner: Adding new disk ice-backnet.inherent.com:/.
  planner: Adding new disk s20.inherent.com:/export/home.
  planner: Adding new disk s20.inherent.com:/export/home0.
  planner: Adding new disk ivanova-backnet.inherent.com:/home.
  planner: Adding new disk ivanova-backnet.inherent.com:/usr.
  driver: dumper0 pid 2908 is messed up, ignoring it.
  driver: dumper0 died while dumping ns3-backnet.inherent.com:/ lev 0.
  driver: dumper2 pid 2910 is messed up, ignoring it.
  driver: dumper2 died while dumping
anomaly1-backnet.inherent.com:/var/spool lev 0.
  driver: dumper3 pid 2912 is messed up, ignoring it.
  driver: dumper3 died while dumping flood-backnet.inherent.com:/data1 lev
  driver: dumper1 pid 2909 is messed up, ignoring it.
  driver: dumper1 died while dumping wind.inherent.com:/ lev 0.
  driver: no idle dumpers for localhost:/data1.
  driver: no idle dumpers for flood-backnet.inherent.com:/boot.
  driver: no idle dumpers for flood-backnet.inherent.com:/.
  driver: no idle dumpers for twister-backnet.inherent.com:/usr.
  driver: no idle dumpers for ice-backnet.inherent.com:/.
  driver: no idle dumpers for flood-backnet.inherent.com:/var.
  driver: no idle dumpers for darkwing.inherent.com:/usr.
  driver: no idle dumpers for ivanova-backnet.inherent.com:/usr.
  driver: no idle dumpers for twister-backnet.inherent.com:/export/home.
  driver: no idle dumpers for ns3-backnet.inherent.com:/usr.
  driver: no idle dumpers for wind.inherent.com:/export/home.
  driver: no idle dumpers for twister-backnet.inherent.com:/export/home0.
  driver: no idle dumpers for localhost:/usr.
  driver: no idle dumpers for flood-backnet.inherent.com:/usr.
  driver: no idle dumpers for anomaly1-backnet.inherent.com:/usr.
  driver: no idle dumpers for flood-backnet.inherent.com:/home.
  driver: no idle dumpers for flood-backnet.inherent.com:/data2.
  driver: no idle dumpers for s20.inherent.com:/export/home.
  driver: no idle dumpers for s20.inherent.com:/export/home0.
  driver: no idle dumpers for ice-backnet.inherent.com:/export/home.
  driver: no idle dumpers for anomaly1-backnet.inherent.com:/home.
  driver: no idle dumpers for ivanova-backnet.inherent.com:/home.
  driver: no idle dumpers for ns3-backnet.inherent.com:/.
  driver: no idle dumpers for anomaly1-backnet.inherent.com:/var/spool.
  driver: no idle dumpers for flood-backnet.inherent.com:/data1.
  driver: no idle dumpers for wind.inherent.com:/.
  taper: tape WF002 kb 214016 fm 21 [OK]

                                     DUMPER STATS            TAPER STATS 
-------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------
anomaly1-bac /           1     192    192   --    0:03  62.9   0:02 111.1
anomaly1-bac /boot       1      32     32   --    0:00  88.3   0:10   6.3
anomaly1-bac /home       0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
anomaly1-bac /usr        0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
anomaly1-bac /var        1   30144  30144   --    0:40 752.6   0:132334.6
anomaly1-bac /var/spool  0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
darkwing.inh /           1   67754  20512  30.3   0:31 670.9   0:092395.9
darkwing.inh /boot       1      19     32 168.4   0:09   3.7   0:02  42.4
darkwing.inh /home       1    1050     32   3.0   0:53   0.6   0:07   9.8
darkwing.inh /usr        0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
darkwing.inh /var        1    6414    960  15.0   0:06 156.7   0:02 591.7
flood-backne /           0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
flood-backne /boot       1 FAILED ---------------------------------------
flood-backne /data1      0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
flood-backne /data2      0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
flood-backne /home       0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
flood-backne /usr        0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
flood-backne /var        0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
ice-backnet. /           0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
ice-backnet. -xport/home 0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
ivanova-back /           1      65     32  49.2   0:09   3.5   0:02  41.4
ivanova-back /boot       1      21     32 152.4   0:03  11.3   0:02  40.7
ivanova-back /home       0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
ivanova-back /usr        0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
ivanova-back /var        1   83581  15648  18.7   3:43  70.3   0:151029.0
localhost    /           1   77312  77312   --    0:243190.1   0:174629.1
localhost    /boot       1    3872   3872   --    0:022321.6   0:021985.0
localhost    /data1      0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
localhost    /home       1   11840  11840   --    0:12 970.3   0:043229.9
localhost    /usr        0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
localhost    /var        1   38976  38976   --    0:133020.0   0:104005.0
ns3-backnet. /           0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
ns3-backnet. /boot       1    4000   4000   --    0:05 797.6   0:021758.8
ns3-backnet. /usr        0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
ns3-backnet. /var        1    5056   5056   --    0:06 779.6   0:031993.2
s20.inherent /           1   13311   1984  14.9   0:16 121.2   0:021162.1
s20.inherent -xport/home 0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
s20.inherent -port/home0 0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
s20.inherent /usr        1     159     32  20.1   0:07   4.3   0:02  41.0
twister-back /           1     255     32  12.5   0:11   3.0   0:02  41.0
twister-back -xport/home 0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
twister-back -port/home0 0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
twister-back /usr        0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
twister-back /var        1   16319   2112  12.9   0:38  55.9   0:021092.4
wind.inheren /           0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
wind.inheren -xport/home 0 FAILED ---------------------------------------
wind.inheren /var        1    4671    512  11.0   0:27  19.2   0:02 332.4

(brought to you by Amanda version 2.4.2p2)

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