I have a couple of disk list entries for a samba client which seem to be
causing the disks to be backed up with a full dump nearly every time.  I
am suspecting it's a regular expression problem since the DLEs are
almost identical.

The DLEs look like so:

# Design Resources Mac
moi    //coralie/design_resources_archive   user-tar
moi    //coralie/design_resources           user-tar

It seems to be randomly picking which to do a full dump on, based on
(I'm guessing), that the share /design_resources is also a regex match
for /design_resources_archive.
As an example.  Last friday it did a full dump of both shares.
//coralie/design_resources_archive          198317MB    lvl0
//coralie/design_resources                   45851MB    lvl0

On Monday:
//coralie/design_resources_archive           71558MB    lvl1
//coralie/design_resources                       0MB    lvl1

//coralie/design_resources_archive           20419MB    lvl1
//coralie/design_resources                       0MB    lvl1

The archive is changed maybe a couple of times per year, so there
shouldn't be any big changes like this

So I guess I have two questions on this.
Is there an easy way to fix this?
Or can I simply add a trailing / at the end of all of the samba entries?
 Amanda then warns me that new info and index dirs will be created for
all entries. I assume if I do that, a new level 0 dump will be done on
all of these dirs.  I imagine I can move all of the files to the new
format if needed however.


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