Will this work? 

Right now a cron job runs amdump every day of the week in the AM.

I just forced amanda to do a full dump on Sat AM. I am leaving the tape
out of the tape drive. The full dump image should go directly
to my holding disk. 
Still leaving the tape drive empty, Amanda runs again on Sun AM. 
She should do an incremental - (yes?) and send that level 1 image to
holding disk too (yes?). 

I should get Level 1 dumps on Tues AM, Wed AM, and Thur AM sent to
the holding disk if I have the reserve parameter set up correctly
and enough room on the holding disk. (yes/no?) 

*Then on Friday AM I will amflush everything in the holding disk to
tape. The holding disk should have a full dump image and a weeks worth of

Do you think this will work? 
Right now - I have the reserve parameter commented
out in my amanda.conf. Should I set it to 50 %?

Thank you again for your time and support.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 04 Nov 2000 02:43:27 -0200
From: Alexandre Oliva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: can amanda do this?

On Nov  2, 2000, "John R. Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Mon-Sat: Incremental dump to holding disk sundev1:/dump (level 1). 
>> Sun Eve/Mon AM: Full backup of everything to tape.  
>> Flush incrementals to tape as well.

> It can do the first two parts with only minor hassle.  However it cannot
> do the last (flush the incrementals to the same tape as the full dump).
> That's been requested but not implemented.  So you're going to have to
> use two tapes per week, one for the full dump and one to flush the week
> of incrementals.

Either that or have the fulls left in the holding disk too (which will
require tweaking reserve) and have them amflushed to tape along with
the incrementals.

Alexandre Oliva   Enjoy Guarana', see http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/
Red Hat GCC Developer                  aoliva@{cygnus.com, redhat.com}
CS PhD student at IC-Unicamp        oliva@{lsd.ic.unicamp.br, gnu.org}
Free Software Evangelist    *Please* write to mailing lists, not to me

Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 13:23:00 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wrote:

>Not sure if you caught the discussion about this with Jean-Louis,
>Alexandre and I, but apparently the bump parameters being set to zero
>will not do what I thought in the absence of tape, but Jean-Louis thinks
>that if you just set "reserve" to anything smaller than 100 (e.g. 99)
>in your holdingdisk definition, it will start bumping.

>To answer your next question before you even ask it :-), the "reserve"
>parameter was put in for sites like yours who want to run without tapes,
>putting the images just into their holding disk.  Normally Amanda will
>not do full dumps when it knows it does not have a tape, but the reserve
>parameter allows that to be controlled.  A value of 100 percent (the
>default) is the old behavior of not allowing any full dumps, i.e. all
>(100%) of the holding disk is reserved for incremental backups when in
>degraded mode.  Setting it to 75, for instance, would use up to 3/4 of
>the space for incrementals and the rest for full dumps.

>I don't think you probably want to do full dumps into your holding
>disk because you don't have all that much of it.  So we aren't using
>the parameter for that purpose, but for a side effect it (reportedly)
>has of letting bump levels increase without writing the images to tape.

>Note that I haven't tested any of this to see if it really works.
>But if it doesn't, nothing bad should happen.  The worst it will do
>is still not bump from one level to another.  And the only bad thing
>about that for your setup is some increase the holding disk space used.
>It's not generating bad dumps or anything like that.

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