OK I know what amcheck's behaviour is, and I assum amdump still has the same behaviour. what I want to know is if there are plans to change, or an easy way to change 2.4.4p3 (yes i know there are newer revs) to not be stupid and just ask the changer program for a given label? what is everyone else doing?

we've got a 50 tape DLT library, it takes an hr or two to 'scan' for a tape if it happens to be say the previous tape from the current one (because they're out of order, or it's hit the last tape, etc). scanning the tapes needlessly wears them and the drives. the unit has a barcode reader and indeed if i 'amtape CONF label LABEL' it will load the correct tape (chg-zd-mtx is my changer -- chg-scsi is damaged somehow...and i can't quite figure out how...)...why can't amdump/amcheck do this instead of working my library to an early grave?

i know that the bits in the changers are not universally supported, but for the ones that do why aren't they used? the current doc's all say they aren't used in this way so i'd like to know if anyone is working on this or not.

in the meantime i'm probably writing a script to run prior to my amdump and amcheck runs that uses amadmin CONF tape to load the next tape into the changer and then using mtx probably attempt to transfer/swap other tapes around so that the next tape (I currently am setup for two tapes per run) is in the following slot so amdumps 'next' call doesn't begin scannign the whole library.

maybe it'd be better if i just dedicated 4-6 slots for the current runs and used my script to fetch up all the tapes in order and store the other tapes elsewhere.

what is everyone else doing?

GPG/PGP --> 0xE736BD7E 5144 6A2D 977A 6651 DFBE 1462 E351 88B9 E736 BD7E

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