Mon-Sat: Incremental dump to holding disk sundev1:/dump (level 1). 
  Sun Eve/Mon AM: Full backup of everything to tape.  
        Flush incrementals to tape as well.

Is this accurate?
 it looks to
me like the right thing to do is:

  netusage 10000 Kbps                   #  bandwidth
  dumpcycle 1 week
  runspercycle 7
  tapecycle 8 tapes                     # This will give us two months.

  This tells amanda by default we want to run do full backups once a week
with incrementals (level 1) every day in between, and that there are 8
tapes in the rotation.  This would give us two months worth of data in
regular backups which seems reasonable.  Anything we want to archive
forever we can do separately or by hand.

Amanda should be able to do this almost in its default mode.  You need
to configure a disklist that includes everything except the holding disk
and create a dumptype that tells
amanda to only flush to tape at the end of the dump cycle.
Any suggestions on a dumptype def?

Denise E. Ives                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems Engineer                        734.822.2037

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