Joseph, I'm getting a connection refused message from,
so I'm sending this to the list instead.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 14:39:24 -0500 (EST)
From: Joshua Baker-LePain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Joseph Del Corso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: restore questions...

On Wed, 7 Mar 2001 at 12:36pm, Joseph Del Corso wrote

> I'm trying to figure out the disklist file...  all the lines in
> the disklist file indicate that you backup the entire disk, except
> for the /msdos mounted partition line... What I'm asking about...
> kind of, is whether I can use the following syntax to backup specific
> directories:
> localhost /home/joeschmoe comp-user
> localhost /etc comp-root-tar

That format is fine, but...

> I guess my real question is do I have to backup the entire disk? or can I
> backup directories on a disk and list specific directories to be backed
> up, instead of the hardware... mainly I'm asking because each disk is 36
> Gb, and there are only parts of the disk that I care about backing up, the
> rest would be wasted space.

Each disk is 36GB, or each *partition* is 36GB?  You need to work in the
context of partitions on disks, not just disks.

If you want to back up subdirectories inside partitions rather than entire
partitions, then you need to use gtar for those disklist entries.  No
vendor dump program can handle incremental dumps of subdirectories.  To do
an entire partition, you can use tar or the FS native dump.

So, if /dev/sda6 is mounted as /home, you can reference it in the disklist
as /dev/sda6, sda6, or /home, and you can use dump or tar to back it up.
If you want to backup /home/foo, however, then you need to put /home/foo
in the disklist and use tar.

> Hope this question makes sense...

It gets asked pretty frequently on the list, which, btw, is archived at
<>.  And I'd highly suggest
reading through the chapter at <>.

> Again, I appreciate your help and amrestore was EXTREMELY useful to
> know... (luckily I changed the indexing to yes in amanda.conf -- so
> thanks to you, amrestore will work :) )

You're welcome, but it's amrecover that does interactive restores.  :)

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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