On Sun, Mar 11, 2018 at 10:55:59PM -0400, Winston Sorfleet wrote:
> Oh this is 3.4.5, on Debian - José's test package.  I see that 3.5.1 is
> available but I am in package-hold on a production server and I am
> cautious by preference.

I have seen changes in 3.5.x in amvault and S3 storage.

I am currently successful in using it for amvault into a S3 storage,
ceph back-end.

The only problem that I see is with a very big installations of
amanda, were if some hosts fails it cascade into much more fails.
Jean-Louis is on it and have provided patchs to solve the problem.

Kind regards
Jose M Calhariz

> On 2018-03-11 10:45 PM, Winston Sorfleet wrote:
> > /rant I swear, Amanda has given me nothing but grief since 3.3.6 -> 3.4.x. 
> >
> > My last two monthly amvault --latest-fulls have given me this error
> > message, which from my barely-literate read of the source code, is an
> > error from get_device().  Previous amvaults worked.
> >
> > My amanda.conf and tapelist can be found at
> > https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_vw5EcgO15lXzJwQVk3UXpkTUE
> > but... before asking anyone to do a deep-dive in there, can anyone give
> > me hints as to what I might try to narrow the scope of the problem?  I
> > am not looking forward to trying an strace. 
> >
> > I did, to ensure sanity of the destination robot (the source is a VTL),
> > do an
> >
> > amtape -otpchanger="HP_G2" vtl update" (my config is "vtl")
> >
> > No problems.  The amvault command line is
> >
> > amvault -q --latest-fulls --dest-storage "tape_storage" vtl
> >

Emacs, não só um estilo de vida mas um completo desperdício de espaço em disco 
(Alan Cox)

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