Hello all,

when testing a bunch of code with AmForth 6.1/trunk and

it seems to me that the first test in any run fails:

> amforth-upload.py  -t /dev/ttyUSB0 ../../05_amforth_recipes/unixtime_test.fs 
> marker --unix-time--
>  ok
> ~60> \ include lib/forth2012/tester/tester-amforth.frt
>  ok
> ~60> decimal
>  ok
> ~60> -1 VERBOSE !
>  ok
> ~60> 1 2 3
>  ok
> ~60> t{ -1 -> -1 }t
> WRONG NUMBER OF RESULTS: t{ -1 -> -1 }t
>  ok
> ~60> TESTING leapyear
> TESTING leapyear
>  ok
> ~60> t{ 1970 leapyear? ->  0 }t
>  ok
> ~60> t{ 1972 leapyear? -> -1 }t
>  ok

interestingly, this behaviour repeats when running the same test again.
Looking at the code makes "depth" or the handling of depth a candidate
for misbehaving, however, I did not look too deep.

Can anyone confirm?

Along the way I found this:
> $ cat trunk/common/lib/forth2012/tester.frt
> \ 'tester.frt' generated automatically, do not edit
> #include  anstests.zip
> #include  core.fr
> #include  doubletest.fth
> #include  searchordertest.txt
> #include  tester-amforth.frt

which does not look right to my eyes.


The purpose of computing is insight --- not numbers
R. Hamming

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