Dear AmForthers,

to my knowledge noone has ever complained that " -jtag " ceased to
work after version 5.5. Is it only me using this command?

Short version:

Since version 6.2 the content of the files
> releases/*/avr8/devices/*/words/no-jtag.asm 
is essentially an empty function. This can be fixed by copying 
> releases/5.5/core/words/no-jtag.asm 
to your project, and reassembling AmForth.

Longer version:

While porting an /old/ program from version 4.6 to 6.8 on an
atmega644p, it surprisingly failed to work. After some searching it
became clear that pin C.2 did not work as expected. Suspiciously, this
pin is part of the JTAG port. Moving to a non-jtag pin made the
program work.

Some code archeology found the following details:

- File "words/no-jtag.asm" was added in version 2.7
- it has changed a few times until version 5.5
- in version 5.6 it disappeared
- it reappeared in version 6.2 --- possibly because someone complained
  (may have been me). However, it reappeared in the devices subtree,
  separate for each controller. And it was and still is an empty

I have no idea, why Matthias has distributed this function. To my
knowledge it is the same everywhere --- whereas sleep.asm had to be
distributed per controller before.

So, maybe this information saves some head scratching.


May the Forth be with you ...

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