I have created a custom "Index" using "AddToComposite". Here is the
code that runs in Exploration:
Counter = IIf(IsNull(Close),0,1);

AddToComposite( Counter * ROC(Close,1), "~MyIndex", "C", 1+2+8+16 );
AddToComposite( Counter, "~MyIndex", "I", 1+2+8+16 ); 

Index = 100 + Cum(Foreign( "~MyIndex", "C" ) / Foreign( "~MyIndex",
"I" ));

Multiplier = (100 + Foreign( "~MyIndex", "C" )/Foreign( "~MyIndex",
"I" ))/100;


AddColumn (Close,"Close");
AddColumn (Index,"Index");
AddColumn (Multiplier*100,"Multiplier x 100");
The problem is using the "CUM" function adds the daily percent change
to calculate the "Index".  I wish to use the "Multiplier" to calculate
an index where the previous days index value is multiplied by the
"Multiplier".  The index should initialize as "Index = 100" to start
with the first bar. Its probably simple fix, but I can't get there.


Todd K.

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