> Hi,

> In all the experimentation going on.

> icon.mcc

> I have version 1.1

> I got version 1.2

> AmiIPWatcher wants icon.mcc

> But with 1.2 it doesn't work.

> The two sizes are WAY different.

> Anyone?

I have v1.1, 3.3kB. AmIRC is working fine for me.

However, it has not always been that way! I used to get total distortion
of window layers sometimes, and possibly also graphic garbage over the
screen (which is WB). The layer malfuntion showed as nothing but the window
close, size, depth and alt.size button was refreshed. I have a friend which
had the same problem.

When it appeard I had to immediately iconify AmIRC and then uniconify it.
If I didn't, I would get heavy graphics garbage and a crash.

I solved the problem by changing all AmIRC windows to use simple refresh
instead of smart refresh which all other MUI-programs have.

All greetings from Deniil:
    - The Amiga Spirit will live forever and ever.. .  .   .

 Business: http://www.onyxsoft.nu/
 Personal: http://www.algonet.se/~deniil/

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