In trying to keep up with technology, the Houston AMSAT Net will now take check ins by Tweeting using the hash tag #houamsatnet 0200 UTC during the winters on Wednesdays (8PM Central Time)

Be one of the first on your block to check in electronically. Of course, you can still use one of these:
IRC, APRS, EchoLink, Telephone, E-mail or voice on the repeater directly.

I would use Facebook but I have a thing against giving out all that information publicly. My Facebook account has been active for a long, long time and I have no friends. Not a one. In fact, once every year or two I check to see if it is still there. I think I have broken the Facebook record for the longest running account without a friend. Too easy for bad things to happen with Facebook.



Bruce Paige, KK5DO
AMSAT Director Contests and Awards ARRL Awards Manager (WAS, 5BWAS, VUCC), VE Houston AMSAT Net - Wed 0200z on Echolink - Conference *AMSAT*
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