Thinking about this a little more, I can install a 2-foot stub tube 
on the existing satellite tower this winter and install the 2m yagi 
and half the 436CP42 for adequate Leo performance.  All the wiring 
has been run so it makes sense to re-install something there.  I have 
to lower the hinge-over tower to do a full restoration and I cannot 
get the truck onto the lawn in winter with over a foot of snow.  I 
use the truck to raise and lower the tower.

So I will first remove the existing antennas and equipment; and then 
remove the broken mast.  Then Install antennas pre-mounted on the 
az-el rotator and, using a gin-pole, set them as a unit on a short 
stub mast affixed to the tower.

I will not install the 1268 Tx and loop-yagi, and the dish.  I will 
add the 8-dBi 2.4-GHz patch with preamp and install one drake 
(2.4G/123-MHz).  That ought to provide a good variety of operating 
modes (V/U/S).  The satellite equipment enclosure is currently 
installed on the tower with all cabling.  It hasn't been used because 
I shorted the indicator electronics in the Yaesu B5400 control box so 
I was unable to rotate antennas.  I will have the control unit to 
repair before I can use anything.

73, Ed - KL7UW, WD2XSH/45
BP40IQ   500 KHz - 10-GHz
EME: 144-1.4kw, 432-100w*, 1296-testing*, 3400-winter?
DUBUS Magazine USA Rep
*temp not in service 
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