If you like to know for sure when a satellite is into eclipse or not use
please InstantTrack.

Option 5 Multiple Satellite Co-visibility will answere to your

73" de

i8CVS Domenico

----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne Estes" <w...@charter.net>
To: <amsat-bb@amsat.org>
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 9:54 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: AO7 in Mode B

> K4FEG wrote:
> There have been questions as to whether or not a program like SATPC32 is
> calculating the solar position based on ground track or actual satellite
> position in orbit, I have not reached out to find out the method of
> calculations but based on how AO7 has reacted to even the briefest of
> eclipse's as predicted by SATPC32, I suspect the relationship of the
> satellite to the Sun is being predicted based on the actual satellite
> position in orbit and not based on ground track.
> W9AE replies:
> SatPC32 displays "Sat in Sun" when the satellite's footprint overlaps
> the sun's footprint.  You can see it change to "Eclipse" when the two
> footprints no longer overlap.
> In practice, AO-7's solar panel probably quits generating enough power
> when only a portion of the sun's "disc" is obstructed by earth.
> Consequently, the satellite would quit working a bit sooner than the
> actual eclipse, when 100% of the sun is shaded by earth.
> This year I plan to make Field Day satellite contacts for the first time
> in several years.  In western Oregon I can operate the un-crowded
> satellite passes where most of the footprint is over the Gulf of Alaska.
> Wayne Estes W9AE
> Oakland, Oregon, USA, CN83ik
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