Listen to the MANY years of experience here on the forum and approach the
FCC with nothing except an appeal for a previous decision you don't agree

We have been told to, and allowed the privilege to "police" ourselves...a
privilege extended to very few "services."

Asking the FCC for the "Right Way" only forces them to choose a "Right Way"
even though the differences between alternatives may be miniscule.

FCC rules were established to protect "commercial interests" thus no
broadcasting, no music, no advertisements and before phone calls were so
cheap, no inter LATA phone patch on repeaters.

Phone patch was self regulated, and it solved itself...paging can be self
regulated, and, now that paging companies have been killed (except in the
Medical sector) the problem will solve itself.

We have been self regulated for 75+ years...lets leave it that way.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "W4ART Arthur Feller" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 12:28 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: OT: Universal Text Messaging and Pagers

> Wow I am honestly surprised by this attiude. This is the 2nd email that I
have seen saying don't ask the FCC anything
> I the rules are vauge at best - why else would so many people disagree
about what can and can not be done

Sent via Opinions expressed are those of the author.
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