Steve Belter, N9IP has put together an excellent tutorial on setting and 
using HDSDR especially with the FCD.

Find it in the Yahoo group

Gould, WA4SXM
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark L. Hammond" <>
To: "Amsat - BBs" <>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2011 7:35 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Sample ARISSat-1 recording with Funcube Dongle 

> Hi All,
> I've been recording quite a few passes of ARISSat-1 using the Funcube 
> Dongle (FCD) SDR and the HDSDR program.  The resulting file from a 10 min 
> pass, recording the whole FCD passband, is about 250MB.  Below is a link 
> to a sample from this morning.  The bird was in the sun, so it's 
> transmitting continually, making things easier.
> This sample isn't perfect, but it's pretty good.  It was made using my 
> "low" array, which is a M2 2MCP14 configured for RHCP.  There is a good 
> ARR preamp at the antenna.   When in the clear, it's quite good--but much 
> of the pass is through the house and/or trees....
> You can play it back using HDSDR (google it).  If you've never played with 
> SDR, you have some reading to do :)  This isn't a "How To" but rather a 
> "here it is if you want it."  (The imminence of another academic year 
> prevents me from doing a write-up with instructions...sorry.)
> The recording was made with NO correction for Doppler.   About a minute 
> into the recording (click to fast forward, back up,'s slick) 
> you'll see signals--CW telemetry, the BPSK telemetry, the linear 
> transponder, and the FM voice channel.  Move around, change modes, listen, 
> etc. Back up at will, just with a click.
> If the bug really bites you, you can install Virtual Audio Cable (VAC) and 
> have HDSDR use it as the output, and then configure a decoding program 
> (like ARISSatTLM or MMSSTV) to decode telemetry and/or SSTV pics using VAC 
> as the input.  It's neat.  You can print SSTV without tuning for Doppler 
> on playback.  That's not the case for the BPSK telemetry!
> The file is BIG, nearly 250MB...
> Have at it :)
> Mark L. Hammond  [N8MH]
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