Fantastic idea please keep us informed on your progress


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Ryan Caron
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2014 1:52 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] UHF antenna radiation pattern measurement


My students and I are working on a way to rapidly measure the radiation
pattern of various UHF antennas. We are using a pair of RFM22s - the
transmitter sends magnetometer (azimuth) and accelerometer (elevation) data
from a LSM303 along with its output power level. The receiving
RFM22 appends the received signal strength value.

 From there what we want to do is real time plotting on a net book. 2D seems
readily achievable through either LabView's polar plots or a number of
different Python plotting libraries. However what we'd really like to do is
real-time 3D plotting, but we don't know the right toolchain or libraries.
We know we can do it in Matlab, but that won't be in real time.

Are we on the right track? Has this been done before?  Should we settle for
a pair of 2D plots, or can real time 3D be done?

Is there interest in the community for something like this? If it is, that
would place different requirements on us (economical, easy to duplicate,
good documentation, open software, etc).

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