Nice FUNcube demo Patrick.

Thanks for the good publicity

David  G0MRF

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick STODDARD (WD9EWK/VA7EWK) <>
To: amsat-bb <>
Sent: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 22:44
Subject: [amsat-bb] Videos from last weekend's Yuma Hamfest


I have posted some videos from last weekend's Yuma Hamfest of some
demonstrations, along with a non-ham-related video that might be of interest.  
The demonstration videos were all done on Saturday, 15 February.  First,
an SO-50 pass at 1444 UTC:

followed by FO-29 about an hour later, at 1556 UTC:

Just after noon (1900 UTC), there was an AO-73 pass where I was outside
copying the telemetry with my FUNcube Dongle Pro+, Elk log periodic, 
Dashboard software, and laptop:

Thanks to Frank N7ZEV (AMSAT Area Coordinator from Las Vegas NV) and 
Israel AD7ND (AMSAT member from the Phoenix area) who were around 
during the AO-73 pass.  Alex XE2BSS/N2IX from Calexico CA (west of Yuma)
ran the camera for these three videos, and did a little bit of commentary in 

On Friday (14 February) morning before the official start of the hamfest, I was
outside watching the activity at the airfield across from the hamfest site. That
airfield is a joint-use airfield, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma for the 
and Yuma International Airport for the civilians.  As it was a weekday, there 
were Marine planes taking off for training.  I saw AV-8B Harriers, F-5s (these
are "aggressors", simulating the "enemy" for training Marine pilots), and even
the new F-35 Lightning II which is going to eventually replace the Harriers in
Marine service.  I was not able to get a video of the F-35s, but caught a 
as it was landing.  Even at a normal airfield, Harriers land vertically.  This 
shows a Harrier descending to its landing pad:

The radio traffic heard in this video was from the 119.300 MHz AM frequency 
used by the Yuma airport control tower.  I was holding a receiver near my 
camera, and the camera picked up the radio chatter as I recorded the video. 



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