Hi -

We have a web layout that has a branch point close to the root, with
different directories off those branches.  Here are some examples:


et cetera.  What I'd like to be able to do is to limit what people can
run statistics for using anlgform.pl.  You could run statistics for
/Departments/French* or /Students/Brown_Men_Rugby*, but NOT
/Departments/* or /Students/*  (Basically, I'd like to throttle things
down a bit, so it's harder to overload the server.)

Unfortunately, the number/names of sub-branches (French, German_Studies,
Brown_Men_Rugby) does not stay constant (branches get added/removed).

I'm using analog 3.32.  I've looked at the manual, especially the
hierarchical reports section, but it looks like analog will let me
select going up the tree:  "An sub-item is listed in a hierarchical
report only if it is above the sub-FLOOR, and it is included with a
SUB command, and its immediate parent is listed."  If I'm understanding
that right, that's the opposite direction of what I want to do.

Has anyone done this?  (Is it possible?)  If not currently possible, can
it be added to the wish list?

Thanks in advance,

p.s. Stephen - "An sub-item"?

Susan Alderman                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Box 1885                                vox: 401-863-9466
CIS, Brown University           fax: 401-863-7329
Providence, RI 02912
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