Hi all,

as part of https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T76348 the Analytics team is
going to re-image stat1001.wikimedia.org with Debian Jessie.

The activity will start on Monday May 2nd at 14:00 PM CEST (UTC+2).

Three major services will not be available during the downtime:

- datasets.wikimedia.org
- stats.wikimedia.org
- metrics.wikimedia.org (also known as metrics.wmflabs.org)

Notable consequences:

- Datasets will not be available for download;
- Dashboards using data from datasets.wikimedia.org (most dashboards) will
not have data during this period;
- Some html reports may not be available (examples: vital-signs.wmflabs.org,
browser-reports.wmflabs.org, mobile-reportcard.wmflabs.org,

The downtime should last a maximum of four hours, but please refer to the
aforementioned Phabricator task for up to date timings and information
during the next days. A backup will be done before starting including all
the home directories.

For any issue or queries please reach out to the Analytics team mailing
list or join the #wikimedia-analytics IRC channel on Freenode.



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