Hi everybody,

as https://www.python.org/doc/sunset-python-2/ says Python 2 is finally
going EOL on January 1st. We (as Analytics team) have a lot of packages
deployed on stat/notebook/hadoop hosts via puppet that should be removed,
but before doing so we'd need to know if anybody of you is currently using
a Python-2-only environment to work/research/test/etc... If so, please
comment in the following task so we'll discuss your use case and possibly
find a Python-3 solution: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T204737
In the task we are going to add info about common packages that we know
(keras, tensorflow, pytorch, etc..) to help you migrate to Python 3 as
quickly and painlessly as possible, so if you are interested please
subscribe to the task.

Thanks in advance!

Luca (on behalf of the Analytics team)
Analytics mailing list

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