Okay, first off, I have used Eclipse and will probably start using it
for Android development, but I've got a machine with netbeans 6.7 on
it, and I thought I'd try it out.
I found a couple of web pages about using existing sources in
netbeans, and I gave it a try.  In a nutshell, here is what I did.

I've installed the nbandroid plugin.  I have also used the package
manager to add all of the different SDK's to the netbeans environment.
I create a new android project in netbeans.  I'm very careful to use
the same package name that is used in the existing source.  For the
purpose of this discussion I'm attempting to import the ApiDemos code
from the android-2.0 samples into netbeans.
After netbeans creates the project, I manually go into the directory
structures, and copy all of the source from the samples directory into
my NetBeansProjects/ApiDemos directory.  I do the same with all of the
res files.

Now when I try to build, I get a bunch of errors that I have traced to
the fact that there is no R.java file created.  I then go to the
command line and try "ant debug", which claims to be creating the
R.java file, but in fact nothing is created.  I have made sure that
all of the tools in the 2.0 sdk are available in the shell where I run
the ant build.

In looking at my build.xml file, it seems to be very sparse, maybe 30
lines or so.

Can anyone spot anything that I have done wrong? Can someone tell me
how to ensure that the build.xml file has been created correctly, and
whether or not they've been successful in generating an R.java file?

If you need more information, I'll be happy to provide it, this really
shouldn't be that hard.

Thanks in advance.

-- Kevin

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