[android-beginners] screen orientatios

2010-07-04 Thread Rc3375
Hi all,
Have a couple of questions.
1.  How do you switch screen orientation, is it done
promatically or layout/main.xml ?

2. And how do you create tabs.  The examples of tabs that were found,
doesn't seem to work.  Are there any good examples of TABS out there
that work?   What I'm trying to do is create two tabs that share the
same screen.

Appreciate all the help,

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[android-beginners] radiobutton gruop

2010-05-19 Thread Rc3375
Hi Everyone,
I have a RadioGroup01 with 3 buttions within that group.  My question
is, how do you detect which button(1), button(2) or button(3) was
selected by the user using the java switch statement?
Thanks to all,

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[android-beginners] Monkey

2010-04-27 Thread Rc3375
I've have one app that I would like to test out using
Adb and MONKEY or zipalign.  I use WIN7 and searched the entire HD for
both MONKEY & zipalign...no such program(s) are found.   I tried ADB
(forget the exact syntax) with Monkey, thinking that Monkey is
internal to adb,  but couldn't get it to work.
Does anyone know where either one of these programs might be found?
Thank you all for any assistance..

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[android-beginners] Virus software``

2010-04-18 Thread Rc3375
Hi Everyone,
Is there anyone who is using Win7 with a virus software package that
is named
CA Internet Security Suite Plus 2010 who has problems with Eclipse
when it
starts and generates this error message: UNABLE TO PARSE ADB VERSION?
I have had this problem before and I strongly think that CA is the
problem, just
haven't figured out IF IT IS THE PROBLEM, what the fix is.  Tried to
disable the
firewall, turn CA completely OFF, but haven't found the answer.
I would appreciate any help in solving the WIN7 and CA problem.
Thanks to all,

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[android-beginners] UNABLE To PARSE ADB Version

2010-02-17 Thread Rc3375
Logging in as Administrator did not solve the ADB Error.  Is there
anyone(besides myself in this entire world) who is using WINDOWS 7,
professional version, that develops Android apps within that
enviorment?? Or, maybe the developers of Eclipse know of this
error and don't know how to fix it?
Thank you all,

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[android-beginners] ADB Error

2010-02-10 Thread Rc3375
I am currently using WIN7 professional.  I have installed and
reinstalled Eclipse/Android multiple times.  All of the paths are
correctly set within Windows7 enviroment.  However, whenever Eclipse
starts, this error always comes up:"UNABLE TO PARSE ADB VERSION".
I have tried using the cmd line to get it to work, but to no luck.
Have also stopped & restarted adb, and then restart Eclipse..no luck
going about it that way either.  Have changed modes by setting the
program properties of Eclipse/Android to run in either Windows XP
mode(service pack 2 or service pack 3)...no luck there either.  Tried
all of this being connected/disconnected from the internet...no luck
there either.
Is there anyone else who has or had this kind of error, and what is
solution was/is??
Others have said that Eclipse has to be in C:\users\owner\My
Documents.  Did that too..no luck.
Have tried everything..no luck.  Perhaps someone else using Windows7
professional holds the key.  If so, please post the steps taken to
resolve this error.
Thanks to all that have replied thus far, and Thank You for time and

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[android-beginners] UNABLE To PARSE ADB Version

2010-02-07 Thread Rc3375
I am using WIN7 pro.  Have installed & reinstalled from scratch
several times...same error msg: "UNABLE TO PARSE ADB VERSION" whenever
ECLIPSE fires up.  Tried to stop/restart ADB from cmd line, then
restart Eclipse...same problem.  Is there anyone who is having this
problem?   I have tried all previous suggestions, no luck...HELP!!
Thank youRC3375

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[android-beginners] WIN7 virtual mode

2010-01-31 Thread Rc3375
Here's what has been done:
1. Window's7 HOME EDITION came with this new laptop (TOSHIBA).
2. UPGRADED to WINDOWS XP virtual machine (and installed it).
3. Created a shortcut to Eclipse(which resides on C:\Eclipse) on the
virtual machine(WINDOWS XP).
4. Fired up WINDOWS XP virtual machine.
When the short cut to Eclipse is clicked (on the virtual machine) an
error message comes back
saying that JAVA cannot be found.  So what we are looking for is there
anyone who knows how to:
A) Create a path that the VIRTUAL machine will be able
to use, and points to the path(environment settings) that already
resides on drive C:
B) OR, create a new path that the virtual machine uses when in use.

All of this is being TRIED, because there is still the problem that
when ECLIPSE is tried on
drive C:, the error message is "CANNOT PARSE ADB VERSION", comes up.
Which we have
tried all combinations trying to fix this problem.  Not sure if it's a
WIN7 issue, ECLIPSE problem,
OR the computer is smarter than we are!

Thanks to all for the help.

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[android-beginners] ADB problem

2010-01-29 Thread Rc3375
Is there anyone who has had any problems using WIN7 and Eclipse?
Everytime Eclipse starts this error always comes up: "UNABLE TO PARSE
ADB VERSION".  If you try and run/debug the app from within WIN7,

The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.
[2010-01-29 19:00:17 - app name] You must restart adb and Eclipse.
[2010-01-29 19:00:17 - app name] Please ensure that adb is correctly
located at 'C:\Android\tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.

Adb is in the directory:'C:\Android\tools\adb.exe', and can be
executed from the cmd line.  Tried quitting eclipse and WIN7 and
restarted.  Ran adb kill-server, adb start-server...(daemon not
running...starting it now.   daemon started successfully.
start eclipse, and then that's when the error comes up.  This is
driving us crazy.

So, IF by chance there is anyone else using WIN7 professional version
to develop on and has encountered this problem with ADB, please post
it and let me know.
Thanks you for your the time and effortRc3375

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[android-beginners] abd error: cannot parse adb version

2010-01-26 Thread Rc3375
Recently purchased a WIN7 laptop.  Came loaded with the home premium
edition.  I also have another laptop that has has WIN XP on it.
ECLIPSE is installed on each one.  The WIN XP works just fine with
ECLIPSE.  The WIN7 (upgraded to the PROFESSIONAL version) is the one
that is giving me all the problems.  Whenever ECLIPSE is started, the
first message displayed is: "FAILED TO PARSE ADB VERSION", then says
to start adb and restart eclipse.  Done that, SAME ERROR.  Tried to
run the emulator from the command line, SAME ERROR.  Tried to
reinstall eclipse several times, SAME ERROR.
I find it hard to believe that I would be the only one who develops in
WIN7.  Would there happen to be anyone who is developing in WIN7 and
have come across this error, and how it was resolved??
All the directories and PATHS are correct, ECLIPSE and ANDROID has
also been installed multiple times.  Can't find the problem.  Since
there are no problems with the XP laptop, I copied adb.exe from the XP
to the WIN7, thinking adb on the WIN7 is corrupt.  Needless to say,
that didn't work.  Which is saying, "HEY...you are overlooking
something."  No clues to what is being overlooked.
Againis there ANYONE WHO IS DEVELOPING WITH WIN7 and who has
encountered this error???
ANYTHING.  I don't mind if you email me directly with the solution,
the sooner the better.

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[android-beginners] ADB ERROR

2010-01-23 Thread Rc3375
Does ANYONE(besides myself) had any problems installing WIN7, AND
getting this error msg WHEN eclipse fires up: "UNABLE TO PARSE ADB
I have download a fresh copy of eclipse thinking that the first copy
might of been corrupt.  NOT the problem.  Checked AND rechecked the
paths, SAME ERROR.  I have done EVERYTHING that I can think of.  I
have even tried changing the properties on the ECLIPSE short cut, for
ECLIPSE to run under WIN XP mode(service pack 2/3), that doesn't work
Is anyone using WIN7 and developing with ECLIPSE 3.4.X??  Perhaps you
would be kind enough to explain what you did to get Eclipse to work
(with out this error).  I'm starting to think that ECLIPSE has
problems that the software engineers have either over-looked, or

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[android-beginners] ADB Problem

2010-01-18 Thread Rc3375
I was wondering if anyone is trying to develop on a windows7
machine??  I don't know IF UPGRADING from windows7 HOME PREMIUM TO
WINDOWS7 PROFESSIONAL would solve the problem that I am having with
just windows7 whenever eclipse comes up(unable to parse adb version).
Has anyone had this error...and if windows7(VM) professional is
installed, would you be able to develope the apps within eclipse?
Thanks for the help.Rc3375
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[android-beginners] Cannot parse adb version

2010-01-16 Thread Rc3375
Is there anyone willing to help me beat up ADB?
I recently did a reinstall of:ECLIPSE/ANDROID & ANT on a windows7
laptop.  Some say that windows7 isn't compatible.  Which leads me to
this questionIF is ISN'T, then how are others developing IN
WINDOWS7  Anyway, all of the files are in their proper locations
(Eclipse/Android and Ant).  ALL of the PATHS are setup correctly
within window7 enviornment settings.  With that being said, WHEN
ECLIPSE is STARTED from WITHIN WINDOWS7, this ERROR comes up that says
ADB START-SERVER from the command prompt.  The emulator starts fine,
but the app in question NEVER STARTS.  Same result if the app is run
from within ECLIPSE.  All of the most recent AVD's are present and
installed.  Tried ALL the AVD's...but the app will not appear and run
the way it should.  Even checked the ADT version, that too is correct.
SO, if windows7 is not compatible AND other are developing on
windows7, then it comes down to OVER-LOOKING SOMETHING.
APPRECIATE THAT IF ANYONE HAS HAD this issue, let me know what the
problem was, and how you found/solved it.
Thanks to everyone for the help and assistance.  Rc3375
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[android-beginners] adb prob

2010-01-12 Thread Rc3375
Put eclipse/android and ant on a windows7 laptop.  When eclipse fires
Done that. Will not get rid of error.
Tried running app from within eclipse.  All works fine EXCEPT for the
app in question NEVER shows up on the EMULATOR.  Have another laptop
with windowsXP, works just fine.  All file are present and in correct
directories and the enviorment is also setup correctly(PATH).  Tried
killing and restarting adbno success.  Each time that is done,
same error when eclipse restarts.
Even tried wiping everything out and starting overNO SUCCESS.
This is driving me nuts...does any one have and fixes for the problem
with the adb???
Also, all the avd's are present within ECLIPSE.
No matter what version is tried, the app NEVER shows up on the
emulator.  Perhaps I'm missing something, and clues would be more than
appreciatedthanks to everyone for your time...
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[android-beginners] abd error

2010-01-11 Thread Rc3375
Just did a new install on another laptop.  Running abd from eclipse
(not the command prompt). Android sdks are all installed correctly,
1.5,2.0.etc.  whenever eclipse first fires up, the error message
is:"unable to parse adb version."
BUT if you try and run the app(with one I called (nomaps) and look to
see if the app is included in that particular build, it actually is.
The emulator fires up and about an hour laterNOTHING shows up on
the emulator(anywhere). All the tools are availabe and are all the
proper directories. The path in windows7 is also been checked, and is
correct.  The appname.APK is being built in the correct directory as
well, with the new time and date.  Don't know who might of answered
earlier for this post, but I had accidently deleted any responses.
Whom ever it might of been, could you please repost any responses that
might of been made in response to this problem, and once again, thanks
for all the help and assistanceRc3375
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[android-beginners] problem with adb

2010-01-10 Thread Rc3375
I am developing on windows7.  I am using eclipse(not from the command
prompt). All android packages are one the system.  The problem is
whenever eclipse starts up, it come up and and says "cannot parse adb
version".  Abd IS installed as are all deveoper tools in their default
directories.  All path are set correctly from the windows7
enviorment.  IF you look at a avd (that I called noMaps15, or of any
of the others) all have INCLUDED the program that I need to look at.
But again, it seems that the ERROR is with the ADB portion.  Once
again, when ECLIPSE starts up, this error comes up "unable to parse
adb version".  Even if adb is started from the command prompt, the
program in question does not show up and runs, even after an hour.  I
have another laptop that has eclipse on it, and that one is sorta
slow...but it works fine.  I do not have access to it, because I drive
truck.  Just trying to get this new laptop workingOnce again,
thank everyone for your help.Rc3375
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[android-beginners] problem with adb

2010-01-08 Thread Rc3375
Recently got new windows7 laptop, and did a new install of eclipse/ant
and android.  When eclipse fires up...unable to parse adb version.  I
have checked and rechecked a million times...all the paths are
correct, and all the files are in the right places.  The emulator
won't fire up IF you just try and RUN the app, it will not start
(error:restart adb and eclipse). Done that too a million times, same
error.  BUT when you use one of the packages(ie : Android1.5 ) from
the preferences menuandroid will indeed fire up.  Problem is the
app fails to appear on the emulator...,
Does anyone have any clues where I'm going wrong Any clues would
be greatly appreciated.thanks to all for the assistance, Rc3375
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[android-beginners] Re: problem with adb

2010-01-07 Thread Rc3375
1. Windows7
2. Eclipse & android were installed in C;\dirname of software pkg.
3. Got it to fire up, but the emulator does not pick up the pkg I'm
trying to debug.
And if you just right click on that pkg and say run/debug, that's when
that error comes up.  But if you go 2 preferences and click on the
android portion. That's where u see android versions then u can select
one/or create a new one(those do work, but the pkg fails to show up on
the emulator).  This is a copy of my other laptop, and all works fine
on that one.  Plus, it isn't finding some of the software that is on
the system that is in the path.

On Jan 6, 9:08 am, Indicator Veritatis  wrote:
> A number of questions come to mind:
> 1) what operating system are you on?
> 2) how did you do the install of Eclipse?
> 3) how did you install the Android Plugin?
> 4) how did you install the Android SDK?
> On Jan 5, 5:00 pm, Rc3375  wrote:
> > Had to do a reinstall of Eclipse.  All software is where it needs to
> > be, but when you fire up Eclipse, this error keeps coming up; failed
> > to parse the output of 'adb version.   Try and restart adb and restart
> > eclipse.'
> > Done all that a million timesbut still won't work.  Any ideas on
> > this problemthanks for the help...Rc3375
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[android-beginners] problem with adb

2010-01-05 Thread Rc3375
Had to do a reinstall of Eclipse.  All software is where it needs to
be, but when you fire up Eclipse, this error keeps coming up; failed
to parse the output of 'adb version.   Try and restart adb and restart
Done all that a million timesbut still won't work.  Any ideas on
this problemthanks for the help...Rc3375
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[android-beginners] best way to store last calculations

2009-12-15 Thread Rc3375
I have experience with windowsXP when you want to
'savesettings'/'getsettings'  using the windows registry, my question
is what would be the BEST way if you would wanted to:
 A) save the user input(what was entered)
 B) quit the app
 C) restart the app
Thanks for your help/suggestions,

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[android-beginners] window27

2009-12-05 Thread Rc3375
Has anyone had any problems installing/using Eclipse with windows7??
Thanks, rc3375

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[android-beginners] how does one change the font COLOR in an applicaton

2009-10-30 Thread Rc3375
How would one go about changing the FONT COLOR in your app??  Most
font colors are black with a white background with an EdiTText or
TextView.  Does anyone know of a "LIBRARY" that out there that can be
used with Eclipse.??

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[android-beginners] HELP

2009-09-24 Thread Rc3375

this is the problem:
there are 5 EDITTEXT "boxes".  the value that the user enters into
FIELD1 needs to be retrieved in to a variable called
FIELD1_RETRIEVED.  if the user enters 135.98, that number is used in
the calculation process.
once FIELD1 is entered, the CALCULATE button is pressed.  WHATEVER
those value might be the remaining fields(FIELD2, FIELD3, FIELD4 AND
FIELD5) need to take on those values.
all the "R.id.FIELDX" are an INTEGER.  so how to do this is getting
abit overwhelming,  i realize that it isn't all that hard to do, but
at this time, very frustrating.  anyone who could lend so code samples
of how to read what a value is, and put a result into a EDITTEXT field
would be appreciated.  thanks to all, rc3375
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[android-beginners] TOTALLY LOST AND CONFUSED

2009-09-20 Thread Rc3375

hi everyone--
got questions about android.
the MAIN.XML screen has the following items in this order:
1.  TextView01
2.  EditText (called gF)
3.  EditText (called fF)
4.  EditText (called sF)
5.  EditText (called ttlF)
6.  EditText (called nF)
and at the bottom of the screen, a botton called cB(that performs the

i need to be able to READ and check if the user has entered a valid
input into the first  field(gF).  such as a double value/float value
within a given range( greater than 1.01 and less than 99.98). this
should not be an integer.  if that number is not within that range,
change the TextView01(string) informing the user what that range
should be(i.e "Please enter a value between 1.00 and 99.99").  pause
xx seconds, and restore the original text to TextView01.

if  gF is within the allowed range, button cB would/should be ENABLED,
the user presses it,   the fields(EditText(3 thru 6) would be
calculated and filled in with whatever those values come out to be.

i have not been able to figure out how to READ what the user entered
into field(gF), how to PLACE/ASSIGN those values to fields 3-6(once
the calculations are done), how to get the calculation portion to fire
up, validate a range, OR change a TextView01(string).

i am at a COMPLETE loss.  can/would anyone be able to help me?  thank
all of you for your kind attention.  rc3375.

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[android-beginners] help

2009-09-16 Thread Rc3375

i have a file that was created in eclipse. the screen has been
designed with one field that the user would enter a value such as
123.45, and the rest of the fields are calculated from the 123.45.
all the EDITTEXT fields have their default values(public static final
int calculate_id=0x7f050006).(from the R.java file.  they are assigned
a value from the calculation(R.id.calculate_id =  xx;).  all the
values in the R.java file seem the default to  public static final int
calculate_id=xx.  the R.id.calculate_id = XX fails.  it does
not matter if XX is an integer,double or float.  is there a way to
convert the R.id.calculate_id(EditText) field  to either float or
double?  i have tried to parse it and cast it.  but everytime that is
done and you recompile the file, the R.java file will revert to the
orginal settings.  literally driving me nuts...help
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[android-beginners] Re: TotallyLost

2009-08-30 Thread Rc3375

Thank You.RC3375

On Aug 30, 4:25 pm, Mark Murphy  wrote:
> Rc3375 wrote:
> > After starting a new project in ECLIPSE, no BUILD.xml is generated.
> Correct. It's not supposed to. You don't need it for Eclipse. This was
> already answered in your previous thread.
> If you want a build.xml file, use android create project (instead of
> Eclipse) or android update project (bearing in mind Eclipse won't try to
> keep your build.xml file up to date).
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> Warescription: Three Android Books, Plus Updates, $35/Year
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[android-beginners] TotallyLost

2009-08-30 Thread Rc3375

Can ANYONE help me with the BUILD.xml file??
After starting a new project in ECLIPSE, no BUILD.xml is generated.  I
have looked around in ECLIPSE and have not found any setting that
willI build the ANT BUILD.xml file.  Some sample apps that I found on
the web included the build.xml file and everything worked fine.  Are
you suppose to create a "template"(build.xml file) and then copy it to
the directory in which you intend to create your project and ANT sees
it and makes the necessary modifications in order for it to function
properly???  Haven't been able to find any documentation on how to
create the BUILD.xml, not on ECLIPSE WEB SITE or ANT WEB SITE.Can
anyone please assist
Thank You All,

(can email, it would greatly speed up the process)
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[android-beginners] OverLookingSomething??

2009-08-29 Thread Rc3375

Hi All,
I'm wondering if I'm overlooking something.  I too am new with
Android.  Finally got all software installed and the paths fixed.
Problem now is ECLIPSE(?) Is not generating the BUILD.xml file.  Am I
overlooking anything???  Thank you for your help..RC3375
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[android-beginners] Printed Material

2009-08-14 Thread Rc3375

I am looking for PRINTED MATERIAL (BOOK) that has all the DESCRIPTION
OF ALL ANDROID CLASSES as well as a INDEX LISTING.  All of this is on
the internet (ANDRIOD DEVELOPERS WEB SITE).  It would come in handy if
such a printed reference were availabe in paperback.  Having limited
internet access only slows development time.  And trying to print it
all out is a major task by itself.
Thank You All for your assistance,
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[android-beginners] Reference Guide

2009-08-13 Thread Rc3375

Does anyone know of a good REFERENCE BOOK that includes and has
examples and explanations of the ANDROID LANGUAGE(functions) such as
the following:
* android
* android.app
* android.appwidget
* android.content
* android.content.pm
* android.content.res
* android.database
* android.database.sqlite
Even though these are the web, is it  time consuming to go to each
category and print it out.  A REFERENCE MANUAL would be great.

Thank you, rc3...@gmail.com
(if anyone knows of one, you could email me the title,author and
publisherthanks again)
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[android-beginners] How 2 install app on MY phone

2009-08-06 Thread Rc3375

Does anyone know how to install an app on your personal phone?  I saw
a post that i thought would do it, but that did'nt work.  I have a app
that I would like to install on MY phone, to use it, test it and debug
it, prior to public offering(ANDROID MARKET).
Can be just a java program, or does it have to be an android app?  Is
there any documentation available on how to achieve this?  My job does
not allow me alot of time to develop apps, so if there is anyone who
could help, please email me, rcobb3...@gmail.com.
Additionally, is there any documentation on ECLIPSE.  Tried following
install instructions, but having problems, as well as ANT.
thank you very much for all your help,
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[android-beginners] Android apps

2009-07-05 Thread Rc3375

I have been trying to get Eclipse to work, but it always comes back
and says that ANT cannot be found.  Apache Ant is in the path: C:
\Documents and Settings\TheMan\Desktop\apache-ant-1.7.1-bin\apache-
ant-1.7.1\bin.  I was looking around the internet and found a program
that is called DrJava.  Know very little about what I'm doing and
trying to  figure out how android works(and works with Eclipse), it
seems that DrJava is a better solution.  A few questions though:
1.  Can apps for the G1 be done in the Java language ONLY.  And if
that is TRUE, does that mean that you would loose some functionally by
not using some of the features included in android?

2.  And once the app works in DrJava, would you still have to run it
through Eclipse in order to submit it to the market??

And another completely un-related question:

Is android similar to say C++, whereas in the start of the file you
INCLUDE libraries that are referenced during the executation of the
app?  If true, then is there some type of standard header info that
can be copied and pasted into the android app?

And last one:  I tend to think of classes as having a particular
name.  i.e FAMILY, where you could have a
mother,father,sons,daughters,animals, etc.  And each one would have a
name associated with it (mother = "Jane", father = "Bill", son =
"Little Billy" etc.
Is this a way to think of what a class is?  What is the purpose of

Thanks for all your help,  I appreciate it very much.Rc3375
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[android-beginners] Re: TOOLS.JAR

2009-06-19 Thread Rc3375

To be honest, I'm not quite sure.  I'm VERY new with this.  I don't
have access to my computer at this time, I'm in the transportation
business.  Whenever there is time, I usually use VisualBasic.  I'm
starting to figure out that using android can be  complex.  Trying the
running from the command prompt is when these errors occurred.  So,
I'm not sure if I should completely uninstall and remove everything,
the directories,files and folders, leaving no trace of android/eclipse
ever being there, and starting over.  I'm sure that I followed steps
correctly, i.e. got the latest ver of android, installed it, got the
java info,installed that and rebooted, and got eclipse and rebooted,
and tried "hello world".   From this, is there anything done wrong, or
in the wrong order?  And, using android, are these mostly functions?
I really appreciate the time and effort for all help,
Best Wishes and Regards,

On Jun 18, 10:53 pm, Raphael  wrote:
> Please explain in more details what you're doing just before you get this 
> error.
> R/
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 9:37 PM, Rc3375 wrote:
> > I installed android and eclipse and did the
> > "Hello World" deal. Tried again, that's when I starting getting error:
> > can't find tools.jar.  either I overlooked something OR didn't install
> > something.  Think I need to reinstall?? THANK YOU FOR YOUR MUCH NEEDED
> > helprcobb3...@gmail.com
> > On Jun 18, 10:03 pm, Raphael  wrote:
> >> There's no tools.jar. What are you trying to achieve?
> >> R/
> >> On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Rc3375 wrote:
> >> > I'm using winXP.  Installed Android 1.5 as well as Eclipse.  However,
> >> > not sure if it's ANDROID or ECLIPSE that can't find the file
> >> > TOOLS.JAR.  Searched the ENTIRE hd, but can't find it.  PATHS are
> >> > correct(as far as I tell), but no luck. Any help would be
> >> > appreciatedThanks in advance.rc3...@gmail.com
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[android-beginners] Re: TOOLS.JAR

2009-06-18 Thread Rc3375

I installed android and eclipse and did the
"Hello World" deal. Tried again, that's when I starting getting error:
can't find tools.jar.  either I overlooked something OR didn't install
something.  Think I need to reinstall?? THANK YOU FOR YOUR MUCH NEEDED
On Jun 18, 10:03 pm, Raphael  wrote:
> There's no tools.jar. What are you trying to achieve?
> R/
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 4:14 PM, Rc3375 wrote:
> > I'm using winXP.  Installed Android 1.5 as well as Eclipse.  However,
> > not sure if it's ANDROID or ECLIPSE that can't find the file
> > TOOLS.JAR.  Searched the ENTIRE hd, but can't find it.  PATHS are
> > correct(as far as I tell), but no luck. Any help would be
> > appreciatedThanks in advance.rc3...@gmail.com
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[android-beginners] TOOLS.JAR

2009-06-18 Thread Rc3375

I'm using winXP.  Installed Android 1.5 as well as Eclipse.  However,
not sure if it's ANDROID or ECLIPSE that can't find the file
TOOLS.JAR.  Searched the ENTIRE hd, but can't find it.  PATHS are
correct(as far as I tell), but no luck. Any help would be
appreciatedThanks in advance.rc3...@gmail.com
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[android-beginners] Re: Problem with Hello World

2009-06-10 Thread Rc3375

I just tried the same application.When I first started it, didn't
know what to expect..saw a blank window, then a pict of the G1, I
thought I needed to turn on the phone, but nothing happened.
I too saw the message about the clock, hit STOP,ABORT, or smoething
like that, then ANDROID came on my COMPUTER SCREEN, and then about 10
minutes later, I saw "HELLO ANDROID", then after that I changed the
string to "HELLO RICHARD", it took about the same amount of time, but
it too finally appeared.it just take some time for this to work.
Just wish it was faster to respond.
Hope this helps,

On Jun 8, 5:23 pm, vkroz  wrote:
> Just wait few minutes -- it may take a time a while to launch emulator
> first time.
> On Jun 6, 9:35 am, "maurizio.bellemo" 
> wrote:
> > Hi all
> > I'm rookie I tried to run the hello app in Android developers...
> > (after having installed the SDK, Eclipse and the plugin for
> > Android) There are two problems
> > 1 - When creating a project it appears an error like
> >     classfile error
> >     dalvik machine error 1
> > 2 - When I run the application, the android phone appears, but there
> > is no hello world app... there is simply this android phone with all
> > the widgets inside the google search bar but no app
> > Can u help me?
> > thks
> > Bye Maurizio

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[android-beginners] Re: Issues with Hello World

2009-06-10 Thread Rc3375

 I just completed HELLO ANDROID app, I too thought something was
amiss, it took many minutes for the screen to appearit just takes
along time for it to respond.rcobb3...@gmail.com

On Jun 6, 8:03 pm, Fahd  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am following the hello world example and when I run it through
> eclipse, the emulater starts showing android...
> then it comes in to the system and asks me to press menu to unlock.
> When I do it, it justs unlocks but there no helloworld or application
> window, just the normal android desktop! Am I missing somthing??
> Following is the code I am running (which is the copy of the example)
> package com.example.helloandroid;
> import android.app.Activity;
> import android.os.Bundle;
> import android.widget.TextView;
> public class HelloAndroid extends Activity {
>     /** Called when the activity is first created. */
>     @Override
>     public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
>         super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
>         TextView tv = new TextView(this);
>         tv.setText("Hello, Android");
>         setContentView(tv);
>         //setContentView(R.layout.main);
>     }
> }
> Why isnt the helloworld window coming?? Any help plss
> Fahd

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