Hi dear all,
I got a question about displaying carousel like contents (pictures,
contact info):

Eg.: In portrait mode I have a list of contacts on my current screen.
When I turn it into landscape mode, the pictures of the ppl in contact
list are enlarged in carousel way, by sliding the pic you can see the
next one or the previous one.
However, for each big picture, I would like to see more information
about this person's contact info, organization info and etc. I am
thinking whether I can add some tabs onto this picture and each tab
contains certain info, and we could still slide it back and forth
after adding tabs onto a picture?

Or can we do two way slide? that is we could slide the pictures in
horizontal way but also slide personal info (different pages) in
vertical way?

I am not sure whether these could be realized in current Android apps?

Thank you very much!

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