Hi all
I write this tip for helping people working with Android OS source
code. I created my own -Java Android- application. I developed it
under windows eclipse

I downloaded the source code of Android OS and successfully build it
under Linux Ubuntu

I wanted to insert my application into Android packages and build
successfully with the Android source code under Ubuntu

I faced the following issues and I solved it:
1. Add my application in packages folders under Android source code
I copied my application folder into packages folder and add the make
file for it into the folder (Android.mk)

File content:

LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := eng development
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-subdir-java-files)
include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)

2. Encoding:
Some source files contains Unicode characters and can't be compiled
under Linux. I opened it under Linux and saved it with the same
encoding again

3.Inheritance from KeyListener
Under eclipse I developed my application and successfully run it on
emulator. But when I try to build the same code under Linux I got
error saying that my activity that inherits from KeyListener interface
isn't abstract and doesn't override methods clearMetaKeyState and

Although I didn't find these methods in KeyListener in Android code
help (I found only OnKeyUp and OnKeyDown), I override these methods in
my activity as follows:
void clearMetaKeyState(android.view.View v, android.text.Editable
edit, int val)

public int getInputType()
return 0;

Then make the source code of Android, here you got Android Build with
your application inside its packages

Enjoy time
Enjoy Building

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