I got the code of Google Notepad Application from google example code,
Everything is working fine to me on emulator.

But I can't able to install it on my real android device

I am following these steps
* compile the code (with eclipse)
* export unsigned apk (manifesto.xml)
* create a key
* sign the application

# SDK: android-sdk-windows-1.0_r2
# Commands: I used to sign this demo application

keytool -genkey -v -keystore notepad.keystore -alias Notepadv3 -keyalg
RSA -validity 20000
jarsigner -verbose -keystore notepad.keystore Notepadv3.apk Notepadv3
jarsigner -verify Notepadv3.apk

After above steps i simply put the apk (signed) file on my android
device but installation ends up with "installation unsuccessful"

do anyone has a clue, what am i doing wrong? please help !!!!

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