среда, 26 мая 2010 г., 4:23:29 UTC+3 пользователь lianwu pan написал:
> hi developers:
> our Android Google adsense account(for android) was disabled due to 
> 'modifying 
> the ad behavior'.
> At first we got a email from adsense team said:
> "...After reviewing our records, we've determined that your AdSense 
> account
> poses a risk of generating invalid activity...".  
> then we account get disabled without any warning and also
> lost all money in that account (we have more than 10,000 dollars in that 
> account).
> we are surprised that our applications generated more than 200,000 pv per 
> day.
> and we never encourage user to click ads.  then we appealed since this 
> reason is not acceptable.
> after that got second mail from adsense said that disable our account 
> since Google
> think it is related to another abused adsense account. but we do not have 
> any other adsense
> accounts that in use(our team have another adsense account but never used 
> before).  so we appealed again.
> today we get the final email from adsense team said that:
> "...we have confirmed that your account that was closed was modifying the 
> ad behavior which is strictly prohibited as stated in the AdSense
>  policies...
> This will be the final communication about this issue. Please do not reply 
> to this email as you will not receive a response..."
> then we finally lost our account and our money.
> according to the reason "modifying the ad behavior". the only place that 
> maybe change the behavior is that 
> since we added code as below to fix the crash problem that caused by 
> Google Android adsense sdk:
>    GoogleAdView adView = (GoogleAdView) activity.findViewById(R.id.ad 
> <http://r.id.ad/>);
> if (adView != null) {
> View vc = adView.getCurrentView();
> if (vc instanceof WebView) {
> ((WebView) vc).destroy();
> }
> View vn = adView.getNextView();
> if (vn instanceof WebView) {
> ((WebView) vn).destroy();
> }
> }
> one month before. we have the crash issues that caused by adsense sdk. 
> then we asked in this mail list (with title "Android Google Adsence exist 
> abnormally").
> to see if someone else have same issue and if there is a solution for it. 
> at least 2 others have same problem and we find the solution as above and 
> it works.
> the bug is caused since some resource of adsense sdk is not destroyed as 
> expected.
> some one else if did same as us please careful with your account. 
> we spent lots of hours to work on android application and use adsense as 
> our main ads source. our strategy has been affected a lot since this issues.
> i do not know why that disable our account suddenly (just one day before 
> every month's payment day). at least should give us a warning and let us to 
> fix it.
> and we think we do not do anything wrong. since Adsense sdk for android is 
> still in beta testing and have bugs in it. what we did it just to make sure 
> it will not
> crash our applications.
> thanks for you guys time

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