
I have had my Google Play account unfairly banned for life. The reasons 
given for termination:

*REASON FOR TERMINATION*: Prior violations of the Developer Program Policies 
> <https://play.google.com/about/developer-content-policy.html> and Developer 
> Distribution Agreement 
> <http://www.android.com/us/developer-distribution-agreement.html> by this 
> or associated accounts as outlined in previous emails sent to the 
> registered email address(es) of the Publisher account(s).

No other information given. The only other warning I had was over 2 years 

We wanted to let you know that your app(s) listed below statically link 
> against a version of OpenSSL that has multiple security vulnerabilities for 
> users. Please migrate your app(s) to an updated version of OpenSSL by 
> 7/7/15. Starting on this date, Google Play will *block publishing of any 
> new apps and updates that use unsupported versions of OpenSSL*.

I was using the Adobe Air SDK for an old project I didnt care much about, I 
was also travelling the world at the time so forgot about it.

I have appealed the account termination but received this:

After reviewing your appeal, we’ve confirmed our initial decision and will 
> not be reinstating your developer account.
> Your Google Play Developer account has been *terminated due to 
> multiple violations of the Developer Program Policies by an 
> associated Google Play developer account.* We’ve reviewed and confirmed 
> this association. 

I received no other information about my reason for a ban. 

I replied asking for more information I received this from "Bruce":

As much as I would like to help, I’m not able to provide any more 
> information. In our previous email, I made sure to include all the 
> information available to me. Unfortunately, we've confirmed our initial 
> decision and will not be reinstating your developer account.

So I still have no idea why I am banned. I have games on my account that I 
worked really hard on over many many years and to have those totally 
without warning or notice is totally unfair and against everything I 
thought Google was about 

Don't Be Evil

As a freelance apps and games developer my entire livelihood has 
been severely damaged by this. I may NEVER again upload my existing apps 
and games. I may NEVER again create any app for the Google Play store.

I have contacted two friends who work in Google they have both been given 
the party line: use the appeals 
page. Well I have done that and it has gotten me no where.

I have no where else left to go. 

Can anyone here help?


@mikeysee <http://twitter.com/mikeysee>

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