Interestingly I've noticed that even if you *do* subclass the layout 
manager (or any view on which setContentView is called) and implement 
onSizeChanged(), the first onSizeChanged after an orientation change will 
contain the old width/height, then it will immediately get another 
onSizeChanged with the correct width/height.  

I wrote up a simple test case and further explanation on Stack Overflow 

Any idea why this happens?


On Thursday, August 25, 2011 11:02:07 AM UTC-7, Dianne Hackborn wrote:
> You can do this yourself by just say subclassing a FrameLayout (or the 
> layout manager of your choice) and calling out.
> I really recommend implementing your own layout manager for this kind of 
> stuff, though, because it is important to fully participate in the layout 
> when you want UI elements to visually cooperate together.
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Doug <> wrote:
>> On Aug 23, 10:05 am, Dianne Hackborn <> wrote:
>> > You need to participate in the view hierarchy as a layout manager, do 
>> get
>> > the onSizeChanged() calls and such.
>> Since it's come up, it's actually been a thorn in my side to have to
>> "be" a layout manager to know something simple such as the size of a
>> view when it's changed size.  It comes up again and again for some
>> things I do.  It would be a huge save of time and effort if I could
>> just register a listener on a View to know when its onSizeChanged
>> method has been called.
>> For example, if I want to place an overlay on some arbitrary view as a
>> callout or popup, I need to know its size and position the moment
>> those things are known.  I can't do it during any of the activity
>> lifecycle methods because layout is a different stream of computation
>> than the lifecycle.  Same thing goes if I need to compute coordinates
>> for an animation that happens at activity startup rather than on UI
>> events.
>> I've seen people hack up ugly polling looping to find out when layout
>> completes!  And it seems like huge waste of time just to implement a
>> custom View or LayoutManager just to make this work.  I hope that I'm
>> just going about this the wrong way and that there is a more elegant
>> solution.  In the absence of that, having a hook into a view's
>> onSizeChanged would be a huge win, IMO.
>> Doug
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> -- 
> Dianne Hackborn
> Android framework engineer
> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to 
> provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such 
> questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and 
> answer them.

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