Hello everyone !

I'm experiencing some issue with a game I'm working on.

I'm using a SurfaceView linked with a thread to draw on it but when using a 
thread as follows, my view onTouchEvent method never gets called.

> public void run()
>     {
>     Canvas c;
>     while(_run)
>     {
>     c = null;
>     c = _surfaceHolder.lockCanvas();
>     if(c != null)
>     {
>     _view.onDraw(c);
>     _surfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost(c);
>     }
>     }
>     }

I've no idea how to fix that anyway…

 I've tried not using a thread and using a View instead but then I couldn't 
find something convenient to refresh regularly my canvas.
Calling invalidate() in onTouchEvent() does not render very well (remember 
that I'm working on a game so…) and using postDelayed worked but then 
onTouchEvent seem to be called only once.

Hope you can help me.

Thanks a lot !

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