[android-developers] Binder invocation to an incorrect interface

2011-12-01 Thread Siva Prasad
Hi, I'm new to Android. Could you please let us know the reasons for the below errors? a. While getting the system Service. Parcel : enforceInterface() expected 'android.os.IPowerManager' but read ' ' b. Succesfully got the system service, while trying to call one of the interface. Android

[android-developers] Data transfer from WindowManagerService.java to WindowManager.java

2011-05-10 Thread siva prasad
Hi everyone, I have some required data in WindowManagerService.java file (let me say , mWindows). I want to query that data from WindowManager.java file. For example : I want to have the list of Window Objects in WindowManager.java file , I can get the list from WindowManagerService.java f

[android-developers] converView Parameter in getView() of my custom adapter for Gallery is always NULL

2010-11-17 Thread siva prasad
Hi all, I have made customAdapter (which extends BaseAdapter). I want to reuse the old views..So I am checking @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { ViewHolder holder1; if (convertView==null) { // Inflating it from the layout.. Creating