Hi all,

I have an ActivityGroup with three Activities, A, B and C.

I get the three activities views by using
"View viewA = getLocalActivityManager().startActivity(mActivityAId,
(for A, B and C)

I need viewA to be aligned to its parent top edge, and viewC to be aligned
to its parent bottom edge. viewB must be below A and above C.

For that I've created a RelativeLayout(mMainLayout), and then, since I have
the 3 views, I add them to that layout setting the LayoutParams properly.

So, I do the following:

View viewA = getLocalActivityManager().startActivity(mActivityAId,
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams paramsA = new
LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
mMainLayout.addView(viewA, paramsA);

View viewC = getLocalActivityManager().startActivity(mActivityCId,
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams paramsC = new
LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
mMainLayout.addView(viewC, paramsC);

View viewB = getLocalActivityManager().startActivity(mActivityBId,
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams paramsB = new
LayoutParams(LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT);
paramsB.addRule(RelativeLayout.ABOVE, viewC.getId());
paramsB.addRule(RelativeLayout.BELOW, viewA.getId());
mMainLayout.addView(viewB, paramsB);

However I could notice that viewB is never rightly positioned. I started
testing with other views, and I've realized that if all views are created
from the same activity, the same as the main layout, I have no problem, but
when the views come from different activities the problem occurs.

I've also tested finding a view by its Id, and in fact I can not find views
by Id that were not created in the same activity as the main layout.
Explaning more clearer, I've replaced viewA for a local TextView, added it
to mainLayout and then tried to find it via
"mainLayout.findViewById(viewA.getId())", and it worked fine. But when I
used the real desired viewA (the activity A decor view), "findViewById"
returned null view.

Am I doing anything wrong? Was it designed to work this way? Or is it a bug?

I do need an answer the sooner the possible...


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