I am trying to add an users into xmppDataMessageCapable table, without
This is my code:

SQLiteDatabase db;
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
String myResource = "Resource" ;
String myEmail = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
Cursor c;
db = SQLiteDatabase.open("/data/data/com.google.android.providers.im/
databases/im.db", null);
c = db.query("xmppDataMessageCapable", new String[] { "bare_jid"},
null, null, null, null, null);
// .............
// some code to test if user exist
// ...............
values.put("bare_jid", myEmail);
values.put("resource", myResource );
long jj=db.insert("xmppDataMessageCapable", null, values);
db = null;

The db.query() runs without any problems, I got my JID.
But when I try to add a new users through db.insert(), I got nothing
new into xmppDataMessageCapable table.
If I put Log Long.toString(jj), I always get -1. Without errors or
warning messages.
I have tried with db.execSQL() too. I got the same result.
What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.

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