Hi Folks,

I have never done anything related to JAAS nor Android so it is
possible to me to say something wrong here so I am sorry.

I created my own DatabaserverLoginModule since the one that came with
JBoss 7.0.2 Full is now working fine. There is a known bug in
PicketBox, so I had to override the getRoleSets.
It is working very fine wiht a PostgreSQL database.
The authentication on the web tier is working fine but I am not able
to do two things, pass the authentication to EJB and also use the
authentication in Android.

Let me focus on Android stuff.
My application is going to take pictures, make some annotations about
it and submit it to a REST that is already implemented.

I read about services, AccountManager and also used a lot of things
forom SampleSyncAdapter,

I put this kind of authentication inside my app but I could not know
how to call my authentication server in JBoss?
This example makes a POST and it uses a defined token. How should I
implement it? I have to use the same database that
MyDatabaseServerLoginModule is using.

I could not understand one thing as well. Does this used only when we
want a synch stuff or also to save app credentials in Android system?
I used for the second purpose.

I understand that my authenticationService is a pugglable stuff and it
has to connect to a webservice or somehting else in order to
authenticate or validate/generate a token.

Also how can I avoid any activity on my app to be invoke if the user
has never signed in?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,
Ricardo Morais

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