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I think someone should port Dasher to Android.

Dasher is free software, that takes an extremely unique approach to
achieve information efficient text entry. It allows lots of different
input methods, and is very adaptable, and customizable.

Here is a description from the Dasher Website.

[quote]Dasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, driven
by natural continuous pointing gestures. Dasher is a competitive text-
entry system wherever a full-size keyboard cannot be used - for

    * when operating a computer one-handed, by joystick, touchscreen,
trackball, or mouse;
    * when operating a computer with zero hands (i.e., by head-mouse
or by eyetracker);
    * on a palmtop computer;
    * on a wearable computer.

...using a mouse[/touchpad/trackball], experienced users can write at
39 words per minute.

Quick video, just to show it work

An hour long video, that goes into detail, as to how it works, all the
different ways it can be used.

Dasher on an IPAQ

The Dasher Website

And just want to point out, that Dasher already has support for all
sorts of languages, so if someone ported Dasher to Android, it would
give it another unique option for text input in all sorts of

Here is a link that shows the language files already available for

EDIT: By "No Keyboard" I just mean that this method does not involve a
KB of any kind.... I do NOT mean to imply that this is a total
replacement for the physical keyboard...... rather I think of it as a
one handed on-screen text entry method to be used when convenient

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