Hi everyone,

My Galaxy S II with ICS has recently crashed while installing an app from the 
Play Store. The app was Messenger WithYou (a Windows Live messenger app, but I 
don't think the problem was caused by the specific app). After downloading and 
while installing it, the phone spontaneously rebooted.

Now all my apps that *weren't* installed on the SD card no longer work. On my 
home screen they are either gone completely, or shown with a generic Android 
android icon. In the applications menu they are all still there, but displayed 
with a generic grey app icon with an "SD" in the corner (even though they are 
not installed on the SD card). Whenever I try to launch one I just get a popup 
saying (the Dutch equivalent of) "app not installed on phone".

One big complication is that the inoperative apps include the Play Store app, 
so I can't just reinstall the other apps (not that I would want to, it would be 
a mammoth task).

I've already researched the problem online and asked everyone, but nobody seems 
to have encountered this problem or know how to fix it (including T-Mobile, who 
want me to send the phone to them), so I thought I would ask here. Many people 
have encountered the *reverse* problem (apps installed on the SD card not being 
accessible any more), but not this one.

Another data point is that while I can't launch the apps, they still appear to 
be there and even otherwise functional. For instance the Calendar app is one of 
them, but I still get calendar alerts, and the widget still works.

Does anyone recognize this problem and/or know how I might fix it? What could 
cause Android to still have all these apps listed as installed, yet be unable 
to launch them? Is there something I can reset, a cache I can empty, etc.? I'm 
a developer and have the Android SDK installed. Running shell commands, etc. is 
not a problem for me.

Many thanks in advance for anyone who can help me out!

Pepijn Schmitz

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