
i'm developing a small gps application. I want to track "some" gps
data. So I use the requestLocationUpdates - function.
Now a quote from the android development reference:

"The frequency of notification or new locations may be controlled
using the minTime and minDistance parameters. If minTime is greater
than 0, the LocationManager could potentially rest for minTime
milliseconds between location updates to conserve power. If
minDistance is greater than 0, a location will only be broadcast if
the device moves by minDistance meters. To obtain notifications as
frequently as possible, set both parameters to 0. "

My question is, how much battery power will be lost, if a user wants
to track for example 100 km and i set the parameters to 0?
My second question is, how I can save the gps data efficiently?? If
the user wants to track a 100km tour, I will have 100.000 gps data (if
the device broadcast a change of location every 1m).

So I think, I have to choose the parameter values of the
requestLocationUpdates - function greater than 0.
Has anyone experience and can give me a value which gives good results
(if I drive with a bike (10-15km/h) or if i walk (5km/h)? And how can
I save a specific point during the minTime and minDist (for example if
there is a landmark)?

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