hi, could somebody help me, please? :]

Do you remember what happen when there are a listview that contains
some icons (about three icons), and I touch the screen and scrollup or
scrolldown, so the list (of icons) moves and following my finger.

So I remove my finger from screen and the list back to the original
position (because have less icon then the size of screen). Look this

Well, my problem is that I have a activity and in this activity I've a
View (HorizontalScrollView) and it don't have the same effect, like
Listview. The icons (or other views) inside HorizontalScrollView just
follows to touch event, but when it leaves the icons(views) stay at
the position where it stopped.

As I don't find a horizontal listview, I'm trying to use scrollview
with this effect. Do you know how to do this?

Thanks for your attention

*Reis, Eduardo.*
*Graduando em Ciência da Computação (UFMA)*
*Laboratório de Processamento e Análise de Imagens (LABPAI)*
*contato: *
*98 8839-9122*
*"As raposas têm suas tocas e as aves do céu têm seus ninhos, mas o Filho do
homem não tem onde repousar a cabeça". Jesus Cristo.*

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