The application I am developing needs to access library stubs from 2 
different add-ons directory. Both add-ons are intealled via the sdk manager.

Up to version 19 of the Android sdk tools, I was to specify the path to the 
library for the second package in using 

and I was setting the project target to  "Google Inc.:Google APIs:15" so 
that maps api could be used.
android update project --target "Google Inc.:Google APIs:15" --path .

Now on Android sdk tools version 20, the usage of extensible.libs.classpath 
variable has been removed from build.xml section
<target name="-compile" ...
                    <fileset dir="${extensible.libs.classpath}" 
includes="*.jar" />

What is the recommended approach to be able to specify additional classpath 
to include library in such case?
Since the add-ons libraries are coming from 2 different vendors, they are 
obviously in 2 different locations.


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