How can one track menu navigation events, that is, changes in focus as
the user moves from menu item to menu item, i.e., yet without
selecting (clicking) a menu item? The
android.view.Menu.OnSelectionListener, which seemed to fit the bill,
has been dropped from earlier versions of the Android SDK. Unlike for
instance Button or ImageButton, Menu is not a subclass of
android.view.View (which holds listeners) but of android.view, and I
do not see how I can make OnFocusChangeListener() work with menu

Tracking menu navigation events is required for making Android
accessible to the blind through associated audio feedback, for
instance by invoking the TTS-for-Android library to speak the menu

The earlier android.view.Menu.OnSelectionListener was described as
"onSelection(Item item, boolean selected) called when the selection
state of a menu item changes, due to the user moving in or out of it".
How can one implement this same functionality with the current SDK 1.0


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