In "Testing a library project" the Android documentation says:

> There are two recommended ways of setting up testing on code and resources in 
> a library project:
> - You can set up a test project that instruments an application project that 
> depends on the library project. You can then add tests to the project for 
> library-specific features.
> - You can set up a set up a standard application project that depends on the 
> library and put the instrumentation in that project. This lets you create a 
> self-contained project that contains both the tests/instrumentations and the 
> code to test.

How to achieve the first of these is pretty obvious, but the second (to me, at 
least) rather less so. After some experimentation, I've managed to get it 
working, but I'm not 100% happy with how I've done so. I would be very grateful 
for any suggestions for improvements.

I've described my solution here:

Many thanks in advance for any help you can offer.


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