
I need to write an application that can intercept emails, extract
keywords from the mail body and act accordingly when finding specific
I read that you are not able to intercept mail communication, only
SMS, so I guess I will need a different approach.

Is it possible to intercept the TCP communication (incoming /
outgoing) and filter email communication, e.g. by running a service
that is autostarted when the device is turned on. This service would
extract the keywords form the email communication and trigger some
actions in the main application?

I am totally new to Android development and only familiar with
BlackBerry development so far. The BlackBerry version of this
application I am trying to replicate uses the BlackBerry Transcoder
API to intercept imcoming and outgoing email. I need to do this for
the Android platform now. But unfortunately it doesn't seem to be
possible to do.

Any idea  / tipp on how to implement something similar for Android? I
read that long-running services are not "allowed" for Android, too, so
this is the second big problem I have while implementing the software.

To cut a long story short: I need a "service" that intercept email
communication, for triggering some actions in the client application
and (later on) encryption of the email communication. Is this


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