I need to keep the old Android 1.1_r1 SDK around because I have an app
that won't build with the 1.1 SDK included with the 1.5 SDK (Actually,
it builds, but the newer Dalvik converter won't convert it, error 2,
no other feedback as to the problem in Eclipse's console).  So I have
two completely separate Eclipse installations.  However, they seem to
share at least *some* preferences (this is on OS X btw), namely, the
Android SDK location preference.

Is this going to work?  I can switch the SDK location preference back
and forth as I use the two different versions of Eclipse if I have to
(a little annoying I suppose), but are there larger issues I need to
worry about?  Are there any other really serious problems, perhaps as
yet unanticipated, with maintaining two different Eclipse installs
using two different Android SDKs?

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