We are getting a set of telephone numbers(pure numbers with no
formatting) from a remote web service. We need to display them in a
list. But before that we have to query the contacts database and show
"display name" of the contact instead of the phone number if there is
a match.

Question :
1. When we add a contact in our phone book using the native Contacts
application, the application does some sort of number formatting. For
e.g.: 1234567890 could be stored as 123-456-7890. Is this formatting
region/locale specific?
2. If i receive 1234567890 from the remote service will I have to
apply same formatting before I query the database or will the
ContentResolver for contacts take care of this and find appropriate
match for me?
3. Is there a documentation that describes what formatting is applied

Let me know if I was not clear or if i need to add anything else.

Please help.


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