It seems eclipse didn't build the apk.
Do you have errors in your project? (try windows > shows views > errors).
Do you have other errors in the Console view?
You did create your project using New > Android Project, right?


On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 7:21 PM, yukinoba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I'm a totally newbie to the Android SDK.
> I have been installed Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede), ADT 0.7.1 and Android
> 0.9 SDK with JRE 6 updated 7.
> It seems weird when I follow the "Hello, Android!" guideline on Google
> site.
> First I encountered the problem of Android libray.
> It seems eclipse won't include the .jar library file under the Android
> directory automatically after create the HelloAndroid project, and I
> have fixed this one.
> However, after the ealier problem, when I try to run the example, the
> eclipse told me "Could not find HelloAndroid.apk!", and stops.
> Here is the message:
> [2008-08-27 10:01:43 - HelloAndroid] ------------------------------
> [2008-08-27 10:01:43 - HelloAndroid] Android Launch!
> [2008-08-27 10:01:43 - HelloAndroid] adb is running normally.
> [2008-08-27 10:01:43 - HelloAndroid] Could not find HelloAndroid.apk!
> I have checked the posts on the forum, and try the possible
> solutions : check "Installed JREs" in Window--Preferences--Java, and
> the AndroidManifest.xml. But still can not fix it.
> Does anyone met the same situation before? Pls help and Thx.
> The following is the AndroidManifest.xml from HelloAndroid :
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <manifest xmlns:android="";
>    package="">
>    <application android:icon="@drawable/icon" android:label="@string/
> app_name">
>        <activity android:name=".HelloAndroid" android:label="@string/
> app_name">
>            <intent-filter>
>                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
>                <category
> android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
>            </intent-filter>
>        </activity>
>    </application>
> </manifest>
> >

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