Alex, I am having the same problem accessing resources through a content 
provider using all the resource sections to create a path.

The weird thing is it workd from within the main app, but not passing a 
resource over the content provider.

Did you ever solve this?


On Sunday, January 24, 2010 9:36:53 PM UTC, Alex wrote:
> Hey
> I need top specify a URI when opening an intent using the following
> line:
> Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
> intent.setDataAndType(mediaUri, "image/png");
> My ContentProvider is all set up, but I have NO idea how to point the
> Uri to the resource or asset. the following does NOT work (cant find
> file):
> Uri mediaUri = Uri.parse(ContentResolver.SCHEME_ANDROID_RESOURCE +
>                               "://" + getApplicationContext().getResources
> ().getResourcePackageName(R.drawable.icon) +
>                               "/" + R.drawable.icon);
> Cant get it working with assets OR resources
> Thanks
> Alex

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