
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 2:07 PM, TAKEphONE <shimo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am trying to setup my Mac OSX (Mac Mini) to build and deploy the
> Cupcake source code and deploy the built images on my ADP1 device.
> I must admit - I am no Linux guy, so a bit slow on understanding the
> various instructions.

I don't think this has anything to do with Linux or Mac. repo/git are very
new tools for a lot of people :-)

> My problem - I was somehow able to get the sources down to my Mac, and
> even run a successful MAKE.
> But - got stuck there (could not figure out how to run the built
> images on the emulator).

Provided that you configured your build with something like:

. build/envsetup.sh
lunch generic-eng

then a simple "emulator" after a succesful build will automatically launch
the emulator with the just-built system image.

> So I decided to be brave and compile & install on my ADP1 device.
> [B]This is where I am stuck:[/B]
> In the explanation at the Google site, they claim there should be a
> ".Repo" directory holding a file called "manifest.xml" in it, and that
> I should download and add to that directory a file called
> "local_manifest.xml".
> I can not find such a ".Repo" directory, and hence - dont know where
> to put that file.

the .repo directory is created by the "repo init" command that you should
have launched to intialize your repository.
I can only conjecture that you didn't get the sources through the
recommended ways. If that is the case, You should
really try to follow the instructions here<http://source.android.com/download>

after that, there will be a .repo/manifest.xml file (which you should not
touch). You should be able to add a new
file named .repo/local_manifest.xml then do a "repo sync" to get some
missing pieces, then rebuild.

Hope this helps

> Any help would be highly appreciated !
> Shimon Shnitzer
> >

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