
On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 11:36:57 AM UTC-3, Gustavo Monteiro wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm working on a project in android that uses Bluetooth low energy (BLE). 
> I have a DeviceScanFragment that shows a list of all BLE devices. When I 
> select a device to connect, it should go to another fragment (
> ScanProfessionalFingerprintFragment ), start the BluetoothLeService and 
> connect.
> The problem is that sometimes it doesn't connect. The BluetoothGattCallback 
> on the BluetoothLeService receives status 133.
> private final BluetoothGattCallback mGattCallback = new 
> BluetoothGattCallback() {
>     @Override
>     public void onConnectionStateChange(BluetoothGatt gatt, int status, int 
> newState) {
>         String intentAction;
>         if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_CONNECTED) {
>             intentAction = ACTION_GATT_CONNECTED;
>             mConnectionState = STATE_CONNECTED;
>             broadcastUpdate(intentAction);
>             Log.i(TAG, "Connected to GATT server.");
>             // Attempts to discover services after successful connection.
>             Log.i(TAG, "Attempting to start service discovery:" +
>                     mBluetoothGatt.discoverServices());
>         } else if (newState == BluetoothProfile.STATE_DISCONNECTED) {
>             intentAction = ACTION_GATT_DISCONNECTED;
>             mConnectionState = STATE_DISCONNECTED;
>             Log.i(TAG, "Disconnected from GATT server.");
>             broadcastUpdate(intentAction);
>         }
>     }
> After that I receive ACTION_GATT_DISCONNECTED in the BroadcastReceiver on 
> the ScanProfessionalFingerprintFragment  and it doesn't connects.
> private final BroadcastReceiver mGattUpdateReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() 
> {
>     @Override
>     public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
>         final String action = intent.getAction();
>         if (BluetoothLeService.ACTION_GATT_CONNECTED.equals(action)) {
>             mConnected = true;
>             updateConnectionState(R.string.connected, mConnected);
>             getActivity().invalidateOptionsMenu();
>         } else if 
> (BluetoothLeService.ACTION_GATT_DISCONNECTED.equals(action)) {
>             mConnected = false;
>             updateConnectionState(R.string.disconnected, mConnected);
>             getActivity().invalidateOptionsMenu();
>         } else if 
> (BluetoothLeService.ACTION_GATT_SERVICES_DISCOVERED.equals(action)) {
>             // Show all the supported services and characteristics on the 
> user interface.
> displayGattServices(mBluetoothLeService.getSupportedGattServices());
>             if(mGattCharacteristics != null && mGattCharacteristics.get(0) != 
> null && mGattCharacteristics.get(0).get(0) != null) {
>                 mBluetoothLeService.writeCharacteristic( 
> prepareCharacteristic(), Constants.REQUEST_CONNECTION_CODE_1);
>                 mBluetoothLeService.readCharacteristic( 
> prepareCharacteristic());
>             }
>         } else if (BluetoothLeService.ACTION_DATA_AVAILABLE.equals(action)) {
>             displayData( intent.getBooleanExtra("receivedProfessional", 
> false));
>         }
>     }
> };
> What could it be?
> Thanks,

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