Basically I want an api as follows

path.arcTo(400 /* width of arc*/, 400 /* height of the arc */,270 /*
start angle*/,90/*sweep angle*/);

On Oct 11, 4:17 pm, Rohit Ghatol <> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am trying to draw shapes. What I must do is as follows
> 1. moveTo () a point say 1000,1000
> 2. then I want to draw an arc whose height width is 400, 400
> path.moveTo(1000,1000);
> path.arcTo(rectF,270,90);
> However the catch in this is the RectF I pass to above, I have to
> specify the x and y co ordinate. What I really want is this rectf to
> be create from the last point I mentioned in moveto (automatically)
> Is there a way to do so? Can I get my current point from Path
> Cheers,
> Rohit
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